git-alias - Man Page

Define, search and show aliases

Examples (TL;DR)


git-alias git-alias <search-pattern> git-alias <alias-name> <command> git-alias [--global] git-alias [--local] git-alias [--global] <search-pattern> git-alias [--local] <search-pattern> git-alias [--global] <alias-name> <command> git-alias [--local] <alias-name> <command>


List all aliases, show one alias, or set one (global or local) alias.


Show or create alias in the system config
Show or create alias in the repository config


The pattern used to search aliases.


The name of the alias to create.


The command for which you are creating an alias.


Defining a new alias:

$ git alias last "cat-file commit HEAD"

Providing only one argument, git-alias searches for aliases matching the given value:

$ git alias ^la
last = cat-file commit HEAD

git-alias will show all aliases if no argument is given:

$ git alias
s = status
amend = commit --amend
rank = shortlog -sn --no-merges
whatis = show -s --pretty=´tformat:%h (%s, %ad)´ --date=short
whois = !sh -c ´git log -i -1 --pretty="format:%an <%ae>


Written by Jonhnny Weslley <>

Reporting Bugs


See Also


Referenced By


September 2023 Git Extras