gh-search-code - Man Page

Search within code


gh search code <query> [flags]


Search within code in GitHub repositories.

The search syntax is documented at:

Note that these search results are powered by what is now a legacy GitHub code search engine. The results might not match what is seen on, and new features like regex search are not yet available via the GitHub API.


--extension <string>

Filter on file extension

--filename <string>

Filter on filename

-q, --jq <expression>

Filter JSON output using a jq expression

--json <fields>

Output JSON with the specified fields

--language <string>

Filter results by language

-L, --limit <int> (default 30)

Maximum number of code results to fetch

--match <strings>

Restrict search to file contents or file path: {file|path}

--owner <strings>

Filter on owner

-R, --repo <strings>

Filter on repository

--size <string>

Filter on size range, in kilobytes

-t, --template <string>

Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

-w,  --web

Open the search query in the web browser


# search code matching "react" and "lifecycle"
$ gh search code react lifecycle

# search code matching "error handling" 
$ gh search code "error handling"
# search code matching "deque" in Python files
$ gh search code deque --language=python

# search code matching "cli" in repositories owned by microsoft organization
$ gh search code cli --owner=microsoft

# search code matching "panic" in the GitHub CLI repository
$ gh search code panic --repo cli/cli

# search code matching keyword "lint" in package.json files
$ gh search code lint --filename package.json

See Also


Referenced By


Jul 2024 GitHub CLI manual