gh-run-list - Man Page

List recent workflow runs


gh run list [flags]


List recent workflow runs.

Note that providing the workflow_name to the -w flag will not fetch disabled workflows. Also pass the -a flag to fetch disabled workflow runs using the workflow_name and the -w flag.


-a, ā€‰--all

Include disabled workflows

-b, --branch <string>

Filter runs by branch

-c, --commit <SHA>

Filter runs by the SHA of the commit

--created <date>

Filter runs by the date it was created

-e, --event <event>

Filter runs by which event triggered the run

-q, --jq <expression>

Filter JSON output using a jq expression

--json <fields>

Output JSON with the specified fields

-L, --limit <int> (default 20)

Maximum number of runs to fetch

-s, --status <string>

Filter runs by status: {queued|completed|in_progress|requested|waiting|pending|action_required|cancelled|failure|neutral|skipped|stale|startup_failure|success|timed_out}

-t, --template <string>

Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

-u, --user <string>

Filter runs by user who triggered the run

-w, --workflow <string>

Filter runs by workflow

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>

Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format


gh run ls

JSON Fields

attempt, conclusion, createdAt, databaseId, displayTitle, event, headBranch, headSha, name, number, startedAt, status, updatedAt, url, workflowDatabaseId, workflowName

Exit Codes

0: Successful execution

1: Error

2: Command canceled

4: Authentication required

NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.

See Also


Referenced By


Jan 2025 GitHub CLI manual