gh-gist-list - Man Page

List your gists


gh gist list [flags]


List gists from your user account.

You can use a regular expression to filter the description, file names, or even the content of files in the gist using --filter.

For supported regular expression syntax, see  ⟨⟩.

Use --include-content to include content of files, noting that this will be slower and increase the rate limit used. Instead of printing a table, code will be printed with highlights similar to gh search code:

{{gist ID}} {{file name}}
        {{matching lines from content}}

No highlights or other color is printed when output is redirected.


--filter <expression>

Filter gists using a regular expression


Include gists' file content when filtering

-L, --limit <int> (default 10)

Maximum number of gists to fetch


Show only public gists


Show only secret gists


gh gist ls

Exit Codes

0: Successful execution

1: Error

2: Command canceled

4: Authentication required

NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.


# list all secret gists from your user account
$ gh gist list --secret

# find all gists from your user account mentioning "octo" anywhere
$ gh gist list --filter octo --include-content

See Also


Referenced By


Jan 2025 GitHub CLI manual