gh-extension - Man Page
Manage gh extensions
Examples (TL;DR)
- Initialize a new GitHub CLI extension project in a directory of the same name:
gh extension create extension_name
- Install an extension from a GitHub repository:
gh extension install owner/repository
- List installed extensions:
gh extension list
- Upgrade a specific extension:
gh extension upgrade extension_name
- Upgrade all extensions:
gh extension upgrade --all
- List installed extensions:
gh extension list
- Remove an extension:
gh extension remove extension_name
- Display help about a subcommand:
gh extension subcommand --help
gh extension [flags]
GitHub CLI extensions are repositories that provide additional gh commands.
The name of the extension repository must start with gh- and it must contain an executable of the same name. All arguments passed to the gh <extname> invocation will be forwarded to the gh-<extname> executable of the extension.
An extension cannot override any of the core gh commands. If an extension name conflicts with a core gh command, you can use gh extension exec <extname>.
For the list of available extensions, see ⟨⟩.
Available Commands
- gh-extension-browse(1)
Enter a UI for browsing, adding, and removing extensions
- gh-extension-create(1)
Create a new extension
- gh-extension-exec(1)
Execute an installed extension
- gh-extension-install(1)
Install a gh extension from a repository
- gh-extension-list(1)
List installed extension commands
- gh-extension-remove(1)
Remove an installed extension
- gh-extension-search(1)
Search extensions to the GitHub CLI
- gh-extension-upgrade(1)
Upgrade installed extensions
gh extensions, gh ext
Exit Codes
0: Successful execution
1: Error
2: Command canceled
4: Authentication required
NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.
See Also
Referenced By
gh(1), gh-extension-browse(1), gh-extension-create(1), gh-extension-exec(1), gh-extension-install(1), gh-extension-list(1), gh-extension-remove(1), gh-extension-search(1), gh-extension-upgrade(1).