gh-codespace-view - Man Page
View details about a codespace
gh codespace view [flags]
- -c, --codespace <string>
Name of the codespace
- -q, --jq <expression>
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
- --json <fields>
Output JSON with the specified fields
- -R, --repo <string>
Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
- --repo-owner <string>
Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
- -t, --template <string>
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
JSON Fields
billableOwner, createdAt, devcontainerPath, displayName, environmentId, gitStatus, idleTimeoutMinutes, lastUsedAt, location, machineDisplayName, machineName, name, owner, prebuild, recentFolders, repository, retentionExpiresAt, retentionPeriodDays, state, vscsTarget
Exit Codes
0: Successful execution
1: Error
2: Command canceled
4: Authentication required
NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.
# select a codespace from a list of all codespaces you own $ gh cs view # view the details of a specific codespace $ gh cs view -c codespace-name-12345 # view the list of all available fields for a codespace $ gh cs view --json # view specific fields for a codespace $ gh cs view --json displayName,machineDisplayName,state