gh-codespace-rebuild - Man Page
Rebuild a codespace
gh codespace rebuild [flags]
Rebuilding recreates your codespace.
Your code and any current changes will be preserved. Your codespace will be rebuilt using your working directory's dev container. A full rebuild also removes cached Docker images.
- -c, --codespace <string>
Name of the codespace
- --full
perform a full rebuild
- -R, --repo <string>
Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
- --repo-owner <string>
Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
Exit Codes
0: Successful execution
1: Error
2: Command canceled
4: Authentication required
NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.
See Also
Referenced By
Jan 2025 GitHub CLI manual