gh - Man Page
GitHub CLI
Examples (TL;DR)
- Clone a GitHub repository locally:
gh repo clone owner/repository
- Create a new issue:
gh issue create
- View and filter the open issues of the current repository:
gh issue list
- View an issue in the default web browser:
gh issue view --web issue_number
- Create a pull request:
gh pr create
- View a pull request in the default web browser:
gh pr view --web pr_number
- Check out a specific pull request locally:
gh pr checkout pr_number
- Check the status of a repository's pull requests:
gh pr status
gh <command> <subcommand> [flags]
Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line.
Core Commands
- gh-auth(1)
Authenticate gh and git with GitHub
- gh-browse(1)
Open repositories, issues, pull requests, and more in the browser
- gh-codespace(1)
Connect to and manage codespaces
- gh-gist(1)
Manage gists
- gh-issue(1)
Manage issues
- gh-org(1)
Manage organizations
- gh-pr(1)
Manage pull requests
- gh-project(1)
Work with GitHub Projects.
- gh-release(1)
Manage releases
- gh-repo(1)
Manage repositories
Github Actions Commands
- gh-cache(1)
Manage GitHub Actions caches
- gh-run(1)
View details about workflow runs
- gh-workflow(1)
View details about GitHub Actions workflows
Additional Commands
- gh-alias(1)
Create command shortcuts
- gh-api(1)
Make an authenticated GitHub API request
- gh-attestation(1)
Work with artifact attestations
- gh-completion(1)
Generate shell completion scripts
- gh-config(1)
Manage configuration for gh
- gh-extension(1)
Manage gh extensions
- gh-gpg-key(1)
Manage GPG keys
- gh-label(1)
Manage labels
- gh-ruleset(1)
View info about repo rulesets
- gh-search(1)
Search for repositories, issues, and pull requests
- gh-secret(1)
Manage GitHub secrets
- gh-ssh-key(1)
Manage SSH keys
- gh-status(1)
Print information about relevant issues, pull requests, and notifications across repositories
- gh-variable(1)
Manage GitHub Actions variables
- --version
Show gh version
Exit Codes
0: Successful execution
1: Error
2: Command canceled
4: Authentication required
NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information.
$ gh issue create $ gh repo clone cli/cli $ gh pr checkout 321
Referenced By
gh-alias(1), gh-api(1), gh-attestation(1), gh-auth(1), gh-browse(1), gh-cache(1), gh-codespace(1), gh-completion(1), gh-config(1), gh-extension(1), gh-gist(1), gh-gpg-key(1), gh-issue(1), gh-label(1), gh-org(1), gh-pr(1), gh-project(1), gh-release(1), gh-repo(1), gh-ruleset(1), gh-run(1), gh-search(1), gh-secret(1), gh-ssh-key(1), gh-status(1), gh-variable(1), gh-workflow(1).