gfput - Man Page

manual page for gfput 0.3.0


gfput [OPTION]... URL


Put data from standard input on a remote Gluster volume.

-a,  --append

append data to the end of the file

-f,  --overwrite

overwrite the existing file

-o,  --xlator-option=OPTION

specify a translator option for the connection. Multiple options are supported and take the form xlator.key=value.

-p,  --port=PORT

specify the port on which to connect

-r,  --parents

no error if existing, make parent directories as needed


display this help and exit


output version information and exit


gfput glfs://localhost/groot/file

Write the contents of standard input to /file on the Gluster volume of groot on host localhost.

gfput -r glfs://localhost/groot/path/to/file

Write the contents of standard input to /file on the Gluster volume of groot on host localhost, creating the parent directories as necessary.


Written by Craig Cabrey.


July 2024 glusterfs-coreutils 0.3.0