fwflash - Man Page

flash firmware image to a connected NXT device


fwflash file


The fwflash utility takes a firmware image file and sends it to a connected NXT device through USB. It takes only one parameter which is the firmware file to send. This file usually has the .bin or .rfw extension and a size of 262144 octets.

Connect the NXT using a USB cable. Make sure it is detected by the computer when powered on. If you run fwflash now, it should report that the NXT is found, but not running in reset mode.

The next step will erase the current firmware image!

Press and hold, for at least five seconds, the reset button which is hidden in the pin hole under the USB port. The brick should make a clicking noise and be detected by the computer in SAM-BA mode.

You can then use fwflash to send the firmware. After a few seconds, it should announce successful flashing.

In case of problem, check your USB cable, and your device permissions.

The fwflash utility is part of LibNXT.

See Also



Maintained by Nicolas Schodet <nico@ni.fr.eu.org>.

Originally written by David Anderson <dave@natulte.net>.

Referenced By

