fpdns - Man Page
DNS server fingeprinting tool
fpdns [ -d ] [ -f ] [ -F nchild ]
[ -p port ] [ -Q srcaddr ] [ -r retry ]
[ -s ] [ -S separator ] [ -t timeout ] [ -v ] [server(s)]
fpdns is a program that remotely determines DNS server versions. It does this by sending a series of borderline DNS queries which are compared against a table of responses and server versions.
False positives or incorrect versions may be reported when trying to identify a set of servers residing behind a load-balancing apparatus where the servers are of different implementations, when a specific implementation behaves like a forwarder, behind a firewall without statefull inspection or without Application Intelligence.
- -d
Enable debugging. Off by default.
- -D
Check all authoritative servers of the specified domain name.
- -f
Force checking of CH TXT version. Off by default.
- -F nchild
Maximum number of forked child processes. Defaults to 10.
- -p port
Port to query remote nameserver on. Default is 53.
- -Q srcaddr
Set the source IP address to use.
- -r retry
Number of attempt to retry fingerprints. Defaults to 1.
- -s
Short display form. Useful for surveys.
- -S
Separator. Defaults to " ".
- -t timeout
Set the query timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5.
- -T
Use TCP instead of UDP.
- -v
Show version of fpdns.
- server
IP address or name to query. Alternatively may be '-' to read from a list of these from stdin
fpdns was written by Roy Arends and Jakob Schlyter.
See Also
perl(1), Net::DNS(1)