fastfetch - Man Page
a neofetch-like tool for fetching system information and displaying them in a pretty way
Examples (TL;DR)
- Display system information:
- Fetch a specific structure:
fastfetch --structure structure
- Load a custom configuration file:
fastfetch --load-config path/to/config_file
- Use a specific logo:
fastfetch --logo logo
- Display system information without a logo:
fastfetch --logo none
- Use a specific color for the keys and title:
fastfetch --color blue
fastfetch [options...]
Fastfetch is a neofetch-like tool for fetching system information and displaying them in a pretty way. It is written mainly in C, with performance and customizability in mind. Currently, Linux, Android, FreeBSD, MacOS and Windows 7+ are supported.
Exit Status
On successful execution, fastfetch returns zero. If any error happened, the exit code will be non-zero.
Informative Options
- -h, --help [command]
Show help output, displaying all available options or help for given command
- -v, --version
Show version of fastfetch
- --list-config-paths
List search paths of config files
- --list-data-paths
List search paths of presets and logos
- --list-logos
List available logos, they can be loaded with --logo
- --list-modules
List available modules
- --list-presets
List available presets, they can be loaded with --config
- --list-features
List the supported features fastfetch was compiled with
- --print-logos
Print available logos
- --print-structure
Print the default structure
- --format <type>
Set the output format. Besides the default format, only json is supported currently.
Display Options
- -l, --logo <logo>
Set the logo to display
- -s, --structure <structure>
Set the structure of the fetch. For details about the structure, see the Configuration section.
Config Options
- -c, --config <config>
Use the specified config file or preset. If none is specified, disable further config loading. For details about config files, see the Configuration section
- --gen-config [file]
Generate a config file with options specified on the command line. If file is specified, the configuration will be written to the file, otherwise it will be written to stdout.
- --gen-config-force [file]
Same as --gen-config, but overwrites existing config
To list all options, use --help. It will also print all available module options.
Fetch Structure
The structure of a fetch describes the modules that should be included in the output. It consists of a string of modules, separated by a colon (:). To list all available modules, use --list-modules
Config Files
Fastfetch uses JSONC based format for configuration. Fastfetch doesn't generate config file automatically; it should be generated manually by --gen-config. The config file will be saved in ~/.config/fastfetch/config.jsonc by default.
A JSONC config file is a JSON file that also supports comments with (// and /* */). Those files must have the extension '.jsonc'.
The specified configuration/preset files are searched in the following order:
1. relative to the current working directory
2. relative to ~/.local/share/fastfetch/presets/
3. relative to /usr/share/fastfetch/presets/
Fastfetch provides some default presets. List them with --list-presets.
See Also
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