f3d - Man Page
fast and minimalist 3D viewer
F3D - A fast and minimalist 3D viewer Usage:
f3d [OPTIONS...] file1 file2 ...
Applicative options:
- --input <files>
Input files (deprecated)
- --output <png file>
Render to file
- --no-background
No background when render to file
- -h, --help
Print help
- --version
Print version details
- --readers-list
Print the list of readers
- --config <filePath/filename/fileStem>
Specify the configuration file to use. absolute/relative path or filename/filestem to search in configuration file locations.
- --dry-run
Do not read the configuration file
- --no-render
Do not render anything and quit right after loading the first file, use with --verbose to recover information about a file.
- --max-size <size in Mib>
Maximum size in Mib of a file to load, negative value means unlimited (default: -1)
- --watch
Watch current file and automatically reload it whenever it is modified on disk
- --load-plugins <paths or names>
List of plugins to load separated with a comma
- --scan-plugins
Scan standard directories for plugins and display available plugins (result can be incomplete)
- --screenshot-filename <filename>
Screenshot filename (default: {app}/{model}_{n}.png)
General options:
- --verbose [={debug, info, warning, error, quiet}(=debug)]
Set verbose level, providing more information about the loaded data in the console output (default: info)
- --quiet
Enable quiet mode, which supersede any verbose options and prevent any console output to be generated at all (deprecated, using `--verbose=quiet` instead)
- --progress
Show loading progress bar
- --animation-progress
Show animation progress bar
- --geometry-only
Do not read materials, cameras and lights from file
- --group-geometries
When opening multiple files, show them all in the same scene. Force geometry-only. The configuration file for the first file will be loaded.
- --up {-X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z}
Up direction (default: +Y)
- -x, --axis
Show axes
- -g, --grid
Show grid
- --grid-absolute
Position grid at the absolute origin instead of below the model
- --grid-unit arg
Size of grid unit square, set to a non-positive value for automatic computation (default: 0)
- --grid-subdivisions arg
Number of grid subdivisions (default: 10)
- --grid-color arg
Color of main grid lines (default: 0,0,0)
- -e, --edges
Show cell edges
- --camera-index <index>
Select the camera to use (default: -1)
- -k, --trackball
Enable trackball interaction
- --invert-zoom
Invert zoom direction with right mouse click
- --animation-autoplay
Automatically start animation
- --animation-index <index>
Select animation to show (default: 0)
- --animation-speed-factor <factor>
Set animation speed factor (default: 1)
- --animation-time <time>
Set animation time to load (default: 0)
- --animation-frame-rate <frame rate>
Set animation frame rate when playing animation interactively (default: 60)
- --font-file <file_path>
Path to a FreeType compatible font file
Material options:
- -o, --point-sprites
Show sphere sprites instead of geometry
- --point-type <sphere|gaussian>
Point sprites type when showing point sprites (default: sphere)
- --point-size <size>
Point size when showing vertices or point sprites (default: 10)
- --line-width <width>
Line width when showing edges (default: 1)
- --backface-type <default|visible|hidden>
Backface type, can be default (usually visible), visible or hidden (default: default)
- --color <R,G,B>
Solid color (default: 1,1,1)
- --opacity <opacity>
Opacity (default: 1)
- --roughness <roughness>
Roughness coefficient (0.0-1.0) (default: 0.3)
- --metallic <metallic>
Metallic coefficient (0.0-1.0) (default: 0)
- --hdri <file path>
Path to an image file that will be used as a light source and skybox (deprecated)
- --hdri-file <file path>
Path to an image file that can be used as a light source and skybox
- -f, --hdri-ambient
Enable HDRI ambient lighting
- -j, --hdri-skybox
Enable HDRI skybox background
- --texture-matcap <file path>
Path to a texture file containing a material capture
- --texture-base-color <file path>
Path to a texture file that sets the color of the object
- --texture-material <file path>
Path to a texture file that sets the Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic values of the object
- --texture-emissive <file path>
Path to a texture file that sets the emitted light of the object
- --emissive-factor <R,G,B>
Emissive factor. This value is multiplied with the emissive color when an emissive texture is present (default: 1,1,1)
- --texture-normal <file path>
Path to a texture file that sets the normal map of the object
- --normal-scale <normalScale>
Normal scale affects the strength of the normal deviation from the normal texture (default: 1)
Window options:
- --bg-color <R,G,B>
Background color (default: 0.2,0.2,0.2)
- --resolution <width,height>
Window resolution (default: 1000,600)
- --position <x,y>
Window position (default: 0)
- -z, --fps
Display frame per second
- -n, --filename
Display filename
- -m, --metadata
Display file metadata
- -u, --blur-background
Blur background
- --blur-coc arg
Blur circle of confusion radius (default: 20)
- --light-intensity <intensity>
Light intensity (default: 1)
Scientific visualization options:
- -s, --scalars [=<array_name>(=)]
Color by scalars (default: f3d_reserved)
- -y, --comp [=<comp_index>(=-2)]
Component from the scalar array to color with. -1 means magnitude, -2 or the short option, -y, means direct scalars (default: -1)
- -c, --cells
Use a scalar array from the cells
- --range <min,max>
Custom range for the coloring by array (default: 0)
- -b, --bar
Show scalar bar
- --colormap-file <filePath/filename/fileStem>
Specify a colormap image
- --colormap <color_list>
Specify a custom colormap (ignored if "colormap-file" is specified) (default: 0,0,0,0,0.4,0.9,0,0,0.8,0.9,0.9,0,1,1,1,1)
- -v, --volume
Show volume if the file is compatible
- -i, --inverse
Inverse opacity function for volume rendering
Camera options:
- --camera-position <X,Y,Z>
Camera position (overrides camera direction and camera zoom factor if any) (default: 0)
- --camera-focal-point <X,Y,Z>
Camera focal point (default: 0)
- --camera-view-up <X,Y,Z>
Camera view up (default: 0)
- --camera-view-angle <angle>
Camera view angle (non-zero, in degrees)
- --camera-direction <X,Y,Z>
Camera direction (default: 0)
- --camera-zoom-factor <factor>
Camera zoom factor (non-zero) (default: 0)
- --camera-azimuth-angle <angle>
Camera azimuth angle (in degrees), performed after other camera options (default: 0)
- --camera-elevation-angle <angle>
Camera elevation angle (in degrees), performed after other camera options (default: 0)
- --camera-orthographic
Use an orthographic camera
PostFX (OpenGL) options:
- -p, --translucency-support
Enable translucency support, implemented using depth peeling
- -q, --ambient-occlusion
Enable ambient occlusion providing approximate shadows for better depth perception, implemented using SSAO
- -a, --anti-aliasing
Enable anti-aliasing, implemented using FXAA
- -t, --tone-mapping
Enable Tone Mapping, providing balanced coloring
- --final-shader <GLSL code>
Execute the final shader at the end of the rendering pipeline
Testing options:
- --ref <png file>
- --ref-threshold <threshold>
Testing threshold (default: 50)
- --interaction-test-record <file_path>
Path to an interaction log file to record interactions events to
- --interaction-test-play <file_path>
Path to an interaction log file to play interaction events from when loading a file
- C
Cycle point/cell data coloring
- S
Cycle array to color with
- Y
Cycle array component to color with
- B
Toggle the scalar bar display
- V
Toggle volume rendering
- I
Toggle inverse volume opacity
- O
Toggle point sprites rendering
- P
Toggle translucency support
- Q
Toggle ambient occlusion
- A
Toggle anti-aliasing
- T
Toggle tone mapping
- E
Toggle the edges display
- X
Toggle the axes display
- G
Toggle the grid display
- N
Toggle the filename display
- M
Toggle the metadata display
- Z
Toggle the FPS counter display
- R
Toggle raytracing rendering
- D
Toggle denoising when raytracing
- F
Toggle full screen
- U
Toggle blur background
- K
Toggle trackball interaction
- F
Toggle HDRI ambient lighting
- J
Toggle HDRI skybox
- L
Increase (+Shift: decrease) lights intensity
- H
Toggle cheat sheet display
- ?
Dump camera state to the terminal
- 1
Front View camera
- 3
Left View camera
- 5
Toggle Orthographic Projection
- 7
Top View camera
- 9
Isometric View camera
- Escape
- Enter
Reset camera to initial parameters
- Space
Play animation if any
- Left
Previous file
- Right
Next file
- Up
Reload current file
- Down
Add current file parent directory to the list of files and reload the current file
- Drop
Load dropped file, folder or HDRI
- f3d file.vtu -xtgans
View a unstructured mesh in a typical nice looking sciviz style
f3d file.glb -tuqap --hdri-file=file.hdr --hdri-ambient --hdri-skybox View a gltf file in a realistic environment f3d file.ply -so --point-size=0 --comp=-2 View a point cloud file with direct scalars rendering f3d folder View all files in folder
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to https://github.com/f3d-app/f3d/issues
F3D - A fast and minimalist 3D viewer
Version: 2.5.0.
Build date: 2025-01-16 00:00:00.
Build system: Linux 64-bits.
Compiler: GNU 15.0.1.
External rendering module: OFF.
Raytracing module: OFF.
VTK version: 9.2.6.
Copyright © 2019-2021 Kitware SAS.
Copyright © 2021-2024 Michael Migliore, Mathieu Westphal.
License BSD-3-Clause.
By Michael Migliore, Mathieu Westphal and Joachim Pouderoux.