esl-histplot - Man Page
collate data histogram, output xmgrace datafile
esl-histplot [options] datafile
esl-histplot summarizes numerical data in the input file datafile.
One real-numbered value is taken from each line of the input file. Each line is split into whitespace-delimited fields, and one field is converted to data. By default this is the first field; this can be changed by the -f option.
Default output is a survival plot (Prob(value > x)) in xmgrace XY data format, to stdout. Output may be directed to a file with the -o option.
If datafile is - (a single dash), input lines are read from stdin instead of opening a file.
- -f <n>
Read data from whitespace-delimited field <n> on each line, instead of the first field. Fields are numbered starting from 1.
- -h
Print brief help; includes version number and summary of all options, including expert options.
- -o <f>
Send output to file <f> instead of stdout.
See Also
Copyright (C) 2020 Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Freely distributed under the BSD open source license.