erect2qtvr - Man Page

Assemble a Quicktime QTVR file from an equirectangular image


  erect2qtvr --erect=mypanorama.tif


This tool generates a cubic QTVR from a single equirectangular image, see <> for more details of the input file format.

A QTVR file is created with the same path as the input image except with a .mov extension.

Calling syntax

  erect2qtvr [options] --erect=mypanorama.tif


  --erect    Filename of equirectangular input (required)
  --pitch    pre-rotates the entire panorama.  eg. if your panorama
             has the nadir in the centre set this to -90
  --yaw      pre-rotates the entire panorama.
  --quality  JPEG quality for QTVR tiles, defaults to 70
  --cleanup  set to '0' to keep temporary files, defaults to '1'

A subset of jpeg2qtvr options are also accepted:

  --date     date in seconds since January 1st 1970, defaults to current time
  --name     title of the panorama
  --outfile  output filename, defaults to input filename with mov extension
  --width    preferred window width, defaults to 1024
  --height   preferred window height, defaults to 768
  --pan      initial pan (yaw), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --tilt     initial tilt (pitch), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --fov      initial vertical angle of view, defaults to 60 degrees
  --min-fov  minimum vertical angle of view, defaults to 10 degrees
  --max-fov  maximum vertical angle of view, defaults to 120 degrees";


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

See Also

perl, Panotools::Script


March 2007, Bruno Postle <bruno AT>


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation