dunstify - Man Page
a program to send desktop notifications
Examples (TL;DR)
- Show a notification with a given title and message:
dunstify "Title" "Message"
- Show a notification with specified urgency:
dunstify "Title" "Message" -u low|normal|critical
- Specify a message ID (overwrites any previous messages with the same ID):
dunstify "Title" "Message" -r 123
- Display help:
dunstify --help
dunstify [OPTION...] SUMMARY [BODY]
Dunstify is a notify-send alternative that can be used to send desktop notifications from the command line.
- -?, --help
Show help options.
- -a, --appname=NAME
Set the app name of the notification.
- -u, --urgency=URG
Set the urgency level (low, normal, critical) of the notification.
- -h, --hints=HINT
Specifies hints to pass. Valid types are BOOLEAN, INT, DOUBLE, STRING, BYTE and VARIANT.
- -A, --action=ACTION
Specifies the actions to display to the user.
- -t, --timeout=TIMEOUT
The time in milliseconds until the notification expires.
- -i, --icon=ICON
Specifies an icon to display with the notification.
- -I, --raw_icon=PATH
Path to the icon to be sent as raw image data.
- -c, --capabilities
Print the server capabilities and exit.
- -s, --serverinfo
Print server information and exit.
- -p, --printid
Print id, which can be used to update/replace this notification.
- -r, --replace=ID
Set the id of this notification to The ID of the notification to replace.
- -C, --close=ID
Close the notification with the specified ID.
- -b, --block
Block until notification is closed and print close reason.