drumstick-dumprmi - Man Page

A Drumstick command line utility for decoding RIFF MIDI files.


drumstick-dumprmi [options] {FILE}


This program is a Drumstick example and utility program. You can use it to decode a RIFF MIDI file as text, or to extract the embedded data to standard MIDI and DLS files.


The following argument is required:


The name of the input RMI.

The following arguments are optional:


Prints a summary of the command-line options and exit.


Prints the program version number and exit.


Extracts the embedded data to a separate Standard MIDI file, and to a DLS file.


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation, considering as source code any files used for the production of this manpage.

See Also

drumstick-dumpsmf(1), drumstick-dumpwrk(1)


Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <plcl@users.sf.net>


August 28, 2023 drumstick 2.9.1