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dream - Man Page

Digital Radio Mondiale and AM software defined radio


dream <options>


Tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Windows and OSX Snow Leopard


Description: a DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) and AM Software Defined Radio Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is the digital radio standard for the long-, medium- and short-wave ranges. The standard was formed by a consortium in co-operation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).  For more information visit www.drm.org.  Dream uses the sound card as the input and output device. A long, medium and short wave front-end with an intermediate frequency (IF) between 5 kHz and 15 kHz is used to receive the DRM signal. Any commercial front-end with an IF of 455 kHz should be usable by adding a 455 kHz to 12 kHz adaptor (assuming the receiver bandwidth is sufficient for a DRM signal).


-t,  --transmitter

DRM transmitter mode

-p,  --flipspectrum

flip input spectrum

-i <n>, --mlciter <n>

number of MLC iterations (allowed range: 0...4 default: 1)

-s <r>, --sampleoff <r>

sample rate offset initial value [Hz] (allowed range: -200.0...200.0)

-m,  --muteaudio

mute audio output

-f <s>, --fileio <s>

disable sound card, use file <s> instead

-w <s>, --writewav <s>

write output to wave file

-S <r>, --fracwinsize <r>

freq. acqu. search window size [Hz]

-E <r>, --fracwincent <r>

freq. acqu. search window center [Hz]

-F,  --filter

apply bandpass filter

-D,  --modmetric

enable modified metrics

-c <n>, --inchansel <n>

input channel selection

0: left channel; 1: right channel;   2: mix both channels (default)
3: I / Q input positive;             4: I / Q input negative
5: I / Q input positive (0 Hz IF);   6: I / Q input negative (0 Hz IF)
-u <n>, --outchansel <n>

output channel selection

0: L -> L, R -> R (default);   1: L -> L, R muted;   2: L muted, R -> R
3: mix -> L, R muted;          4: L muted, mix -> R
-e <n>, --decodeepg <n>

enable/disable epg decoding (0: off; 1: on)

-g <n>, --enablelog <n>

enable/disable logging (0: no logging; 1: logging

-r <n>, --frequency <n>

set frequency [kHz] for log file

-l <n>, --logdelay <n>

delay start of logging by <n> seconds, allowed range: 0...3600)

-L <s>, --schedule <s>

read DRMLogger style ini file and obey it

-y <n>, --sysevplotstyle <n>

set style for main plot
0: blue-white (default);   1: green-black;   2: black-grey

--enablepsd <n>

if 0 then only measure PSD when RSCI in use otherwise always measure it

--mdiout <s>

MDI out address format [IP#:]IP#:port (for Content Server)

--mdiin  <s>

MDI in address (for modulator) [[IP#:]IP:]port

--rsioutprofile <s>

MDI/RSCI output profile: A|B|C|D|Q|M

--rsiout <s>

MDI/RSCI output address format [IP#:]IP#:port (prefix address with 'p' to enable the simple PFT)

--rsiin <s>

RSCI/MDI status input address format [[IP#:]IP#:]port

--rciout <s>

RSCI Control output format IP#:port

--rciin <s>

RSCI Control input address number format [IP#:]port

--rsirecordprofile <s>

RSCI recording profile: A|B|C|D|Q|M

--rsirecordtype <s>

RSCI recording file type: raw|ff|pcap

--recordiq <n>

enable/disable recording an I/Q file

--permissive <b>

enable decoding of bad RSCI frames (0: off; 1: on)

-R <n>, --samplerate <n>

set audio and signal sound card sample rate [Hz]

--audsrate <n>

set audio sample rate for playback [Hz], allowed range 8000 - 192000)

--sigsrate <n>

set sample rate for I/F and IQ signal processing [Hz], allowed values 24000, 48000, 96000, 192000)

-I <s>, --snddevin <s>

set sound in device

-O <s>, --snddevout <s>

set sound out device

-M <n>, --hamlib-model <n>

set Hamlib radio model ID

-C <s>, --hamlib-config <s>

set Hamlib config parameter

-T,  --ensmeter

enable S-Meter

--test <n>

if 1 then some test setup will be done

-h,  -?,  --help

this help text


dream -p --sampleoff -0.23 -i 2 -r 6140 --rsiout

dream -t


Dream is maintained by David Flamand and Julian Cable.

Quality Assurance and user testing is provided by Simone Stoeppler

This man page by Julian Cable


The Dream software development was started at Darmstadt University of Technology at the Institute of Communication Technology by Volker Fischer and Alexander Kurpiers in 2001-2005. The core digital signal processing and most of the GUI were the result of this development.


Dream creates an ini file in the directory it is run from. Sub folders for AFS, EPG and MOT files are also created.


