dotnet-run - Man Page

Runs source code without any explicit compile or launch commands.

Examples (TL;DR)

dotnet run

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions


dotnet run [-a|--arch <ARCHITECTURE>] [-c|--configuration <CONFIGURATION>]
    [-f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>] [--force] [--interactive]
    [--launch-profile <NAME>] [--no-build]
    [--no-dependencies] [--no-launch-profile] [--no-restore]
    [--os <OS>] [--project <PATH>] [-r|--runtime <RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER>]
    [--tl:[auto|on|off]] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]
    [[--] [application arguments]]

dotnet run -h|--help


The dotnet run command provides a convenient option to run your application from the source code with one command. It’s useful for fast iterative development from the command line. The command depends on the dotnet build command to build the code. Any requirements for the build, such as that the project must be restored first, apply to dotnet run as well.

dotnet run doesn’t respect arguments like /property:property=value, which are respected by dotnet build.

Output files are written into the default location, which is bin/<configuration>/<target>. For example if you have a netcoreapp2.1 application and you run dotnet run, the output is placed in bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1. Files are overwritten as needed. Temporary files are placed in the obj directory.

If the project specifies multiple frameworks, executing dotnet run results in an error unless the -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK> option is used to specify the framework.

The dotnet run command is used in the context of projects, not built assemblies. If you’re trying to run a framework-dependent application DLL instead, you must use dotnet without a command. For example, to run myapp.dll, use:

dotnet myapp.dll

For more information on the dotnet driver, see the .NET Command Line Tools (CLI) topic.

To run the application, the dotnet run command resolves the dependencies of the application that are outside of the shared runtime from the NuGet cache. Because it uses cached dependencies, it’s not recommended to use dotnet run to run applications in production. Instead, create a deployment using the dotnet publish command and deploy the published output.

Implicit restore

You don’t have to run dotnet restore because it’s run implicitly by all commands that require a restore to occur, such as dotnet new, dotnet build, dotnet run, dotnet test, dotnet publish, and dotnet pack. To disable implicit restore, use the --no-restore option.

The dotnet restore command is still useful in certain scenarios where explicitly restoring makes sense, such as continuous integration builds in Azure DevOps Services or in build systems that need to explicitly control when the restore occurs.

For information about how to manage NuGet feeds, see the dotnet restore documentation.

This command supports the dotnet restore options when passed in the long form (for example, --source). Short form options, such as -s, are not supported.

Workload manifest downloads

When you run this command, it initiates an asynchronous background download of advertising manifests for workloads. If the download is still running when this command finishes, the download is stopped. For more information, see Advertising manifests.




2024-10-02 .NET Documentation