dnsenum - Man Page

multithread script to enumerate information on a domain and to discover non-contiguous IP blocks


dnsenum.pl version 1.3.1


dnsenum.pl [options] <domain> -f dns.txt


Supported operations: nslookup, zonetransfer, google scraping, domain brute force (support also recursion), whois ip and reverse lookups.



The brute force -f switch takes priority over default dns.txt

General Options

--dnsserver <server>

Use this DNS server to perform all A, NS and MX queries,
the AXFR and PTR queries are sent to the domain's NS servers.


Shortcut option equivalent to --threads 5 -s 20 -w.

-h,  --help

Print the help message.


Skip the reverse lookup operations.
Reverse lookups can take long time on big netranges.


Disable ANSIColor output.
This option is only intended to be used on consoles that do not support
color output.


Show and save private ips at the end of the file domain_ips.txt.

--subfile <file>

Write all valid subdomains to this file.
Subdomains are taken from NS and MX records, zonetransfer,
google scraping, brute force and reverse lookup hostnames.

-t,  --timeout <value>

The tcp and udp timeout values in seconds (default: 10s).

--threads <va>

The number of threads that will perform different queries.

-v,  --verbose

Be verbose (show all the progress and all the error messages).

Notes: neither the default domain nor the resolver search list are appended to domains that don't contain any dots.

Google Scraping Options

This function will scrap subdomains from google search, using query: -www site:domain.

-p,  --pages <value>

The number of google search pages to process when scraping names,
the -s switch must be specified, (default: 20 pages).

-s,  --scrap <value>

The maximum number of subdomains that will be scraped from google.

NOTES: Google can block our queries with the malware detection. Http proxy options for google scraping are automatically loaded from the environment if the vars http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY are present. "http_proxy=" or "HTTP_PROXY=". On IO errors the mechanize browser object will automatically call die.

Brute Force Options

-f,  --file <file>

Read subdomains from this file to perform brute force.

-u,  --update <a|g|r|z>

Update the file specified with the -f switch with valid subdomains.

-u a Update using all results.

-u g Update using only google scraping results.

-u r Update using only reverse lookup results.

-u z Update using only zonetransfer results.

-r,  --recursion

Recursion on subdomains, brute force all discovered subdomains
that have an NS record.

NOTES: To perform recursion first we must check previous subdomains results (zonetransfer, google scraping and brute force) for NS records after that we perform brute force on valid subdomains that have NS records and so on. NS, MX and reverse lookup results are not concerned.

Whois IP Options

Perform whois ip queries on c class netanges discovered from previous operations.

-d,  --delay <value>

The maximum value of seconds to wait between whois queries,
the value is defined randomly, (default: 3s).

NOTES: whois servers will limit the number of connections.

-w,  --whois

Perform the whois queries on c class network ranges.
Warning: this can generate very large netranges and it
will take lot of time to perform reverse lookups.

NOTES: The whois query should recursively query the various whois providers until it gets the more detailed information including either TechPhone or OrgTechPhone by default. See: perldoc Net::Whois::IP. On errors the netrange will be a default c class /24.

Reverse Lookup Options

-e,  --exclude <regexp>

Exclude PTR records that match the regexp expression from reverse
lookup results, useful on invalid hostnames.

NOTES: PTR records that not match the domain are also excluded. Verbose mode will show all results.

Output Files

Final non-contiguous ip blocks are written to domain_ips.txt file.

NOTES: Final non-contiguous ip blocks are calculated :


dnsenum.pl: multithread script to enumerate information on a domain and to discover non-contiguous ip blocks.


Modules that are included in perl 5.28.0:
 Getopt::Long, IO::File, Thread::Queue.

Other Necessary modules:
 Must have: Net::DNS, Net::IP, Net::Netmask.
 Optional: Net::Whois::IP, HTML::Parser, WWW::Mechanize.

Perl ithreads modules (perl must be compiled with ithreads support):
 threads, threads::shared.


Filip Waeytens <filip.waeytens[at]gmail.com>

tix tixxDZ <tixxdz[at]gmail.com>


Network Silence

Script Categories

Networking DNS


2024-09-29 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation