dlt-daemon - Man Page

Diagnostic Log and Trace daemon


dlt-daemon [-h] [-d] [-c filename] [-t directory] [-p port]


The DLT daemon is the central place where logs and traces are gathered from different applications, stored temporarily or permanently and transferred to a DLT client application, which can run directly on the GENIVI system or more likely on a external tester device.



Display a short help text.


Daemonize, needed in System V init systems.


Load an alternative configuration file. By default the configuration file /etc/dlt.conf is loaded.


Directory for local fifo and user-pipes (Default: /tmp). Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a custom directory need to be started with the environment variable DLT_PIPE_DIR set appropriately.


Port to monitor for incoming requests (Default: 3490) Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a custom port need to be started with the environment variable DLT_DAEMON_TCP_PORT set appropriately.


Start DLT daemon in background mode: dlt-daemon -d

Start DLT daemon with own configuration: dlt-daemon -c ~/my-dlt-configuration.cfg

Start DLT daemon with custom pipes directory: dlt-daemon -t ~/dlt_pipes

Start DLT daemon listening on custom port 3500: dlt-daemon -p 3500

Exit Status

Non zero is returned in case of failure.


Alexander Wenzel (alexander.aw.wenzel (at) bmw (dot) de)


See Github issue: https://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon/issues\c

See Also

dlt.conf(5), dlt-system(1)

Referenced By

dlt-adaptor-stdin(1), dlt-adaptor-udp(1), dlt.conf(5), dlt-control(1), dlt-convert(1), dlt_gateway.conf(5), dlt-logstorage-ctrl(1), dlt-passive-node-ctrl(1), dlt-receive(1), dlt-sortbytimestamp(1), dlt-system(1), dlt-system.conf(5).