dhall-to-yaml - Man Page
manual page for dhall-to-yaml 1.7.12
dhall-to-yaml [[--explain] [--omit-empty | --preserve-null] [--documents]
- [--quoted] [[--key ARG] [--value ARG] | --no-maps]
[--file FILE] [--output FILE] [--generated-comment] [--preserve-header] | --version]
Compile Dhall to YAML
Available options
- -h,--help
Show this help text
- --explain
Explain error messages in detail
- --omit-empty
Omit record fields that are null or empty records
- --preserve-null
Preserve record fields that are null
- --documents
If given a Dhall list, output a document for every element. Each document, including the first one, will be preceded by "---", even if there is only one document. If not given a list, output a single document (as if it were a list of one element)
- --quoted
Prevent from generating not quoted scalars
- --key ARG
Reserved key field name for association lists (default: mapKey)
- --value ARG
Reserved value field name for association lists (default: mapValue)
- --no-maps
Disable conversion of association lists to homogeneous maps
- --file FILE
Read expression from a file instead of standard input
- --output FILE
Write YAML to a file instead of standard output
- --generated-comment
Include a comment header warning not to edit the generated file
- --preserve-header
Translate any Dhall comment header to a YAML comment header
- --version
Display version