dhall-to-json - Man Page

manual page for dhall-to-json 1.7.12


dhall-to-json [[--explain] [--pretty | --compact]


[--omit-empty | --preserve-null]

[[--key ARG] [--value ARG] | --no-maps] [--approximate-special-doubles] [--file FILE] [--output FILE] | --version]

Compile Dhall to JSON

Available options


Show this help text


Explain error messages in detail


Deprecated, will be removed soon. Pretty print generated JSON


Render JSON on one line


Omit record fields that are null or empty records


Preserve record fields that are null

--key ARG

Reserved key field name for association lists (default: mapKey)

--value ARG

Reserved value field name for association lists (default: mapValue)


Disable conversion of association lists to homogeneous maps


Use approximate representation for NaN/±Infinity

--file FILE

Read expression from a file instead of standard input

--output FILE

Write JSON to a file instead of standard output


Display version


July 2024 dhall-to-json 1.7.12