dftd4 - Man Page

Generally Applicable Atomic-Charge Dependent London Dispersion Correction.


dftd4 [run|param] [options] input


Takes an geometry input to calculate the D4 dispersion correction. Periodic calculations are performed automatically for periodic input formats. Reads .CHRG file (if present) from the same directory as the input. Specify the functional to select the correct parameters.



Evaluate dispersion correction on the provided input structure. Periodic calculations are performed automatically for periodic inputs If no command is specified run is selected by default.


Inspect damping parameters.

Options: Run

-c,  --charge integer

Set charge to molecule, overrides charge in .CHRG file

-f,  --func functional

Dispersion correction for specified density functional method

--param s6 s8 a1 a2

use this damping parameters for energy calculation

--mbdscale s9

scale the many-body dispersion energy (default=1.0)

--zeta real real

Adjust charge scaling height and charge scaling steepness (default: 3.0 and 2.0)

--wfactor real

Adjust weighting factor for the Gaussian interpolation (default: 6.0)

-g,  --grad [file]

prints analytical gradient to file, write results to file (default: dftd4.txt), attempts to add to Turbomole gradient and gradlatt files

--json [file]

Serialize all results as JSON (dftd4.json)


Do not write dispersion energy in .EDISP file


Print atomic properties and molecular C6-coefficient


Calculate pairwise representation of dispersion energy


Prints version number and citation


Prints references for DFT-D4 method


Prints licensing information

-v,  --verbose

Show more, can be used multiple times

-s,  --silent

Show less, use twice to supress all output

-h,  --help

Show this message

Options: Param

--list,  --funcs,  -l

List all available functionals (keywords for -f, --func)

