dbscan - Man Page

scans a Directory Server database index file and dumps the contents


dbscan -f <filename> [-R] [-t <size>] [-K <entry_id>] [-k <key>] [-l <size>] [-G <n>] [-n] [-r] [-s]


Scans a Directory Server database index file and dumps the contents.


A summary of options is included below:

-f <filename>

specify db file


dump as raw data

-t <size>

entry truncate size (bytes)

entry file options:

-K <entry_id>

lookup only a specific entry id index file options:

-k <key>

lookup only a specific key

-l <size>

max length of dumped id list (default 4096; 40 bytes <= size <= 1048576 bytes)

-G <n>

only display index entries with more than <n> ids


display ID list lengths


display the contents of ID list


Summary of index counts


Sample usages:

Dump the entry file:

dbscan -f id2entry.db4

Display index keys in cn.db4:

dbscan -f cn.db4

Display index keys and the count of entries having the key in mail.db4:

dbscan -r -f mail.db4

Display index keys and the IDs having more than 20 IDs in sn.db4:

dbscan -r -G 20 -f sn.db4

Display summary of objectclass.db4:

dbscan -f objectclass.db4


dbscan was written by the 389 Project.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/new


March 31, 2017