dbrowuniq - Man Page

eliminate adjacent rows with duplicate fields, maybe counting


dbrowuniq [-cFLB] [uniquifying fields...]


Eliminate adjacent rows with duplicate fields, perhaps counting them. Roughly equivalent to the Unix uniq command, but optionally only operating on the specified fields.

By default, all columns must be unique. If column names are specified, only those columns must be unique and the first row with those columns is returned.

Dbrowuniq eliminates only identical rows that adjacent. If you want to eliminate identical rows across the entirefile, you must make them adajcent, perhaps by using dbsort on your uniquifying field. (That is, the input with three lines a/b/a will produce three lines of output with both a's, but if you dbsort it, it will become a/a/b and dbrowuniq will output a/b.

By default, dbrowuniq outputs the first unique row. Optionally, with -L, it will output the last unique row, or with -B it outputs both first and last. (This choice only matters when uniqueness is determined by specific fields.)

dbrowuniq can also count how many unique, adjacent lines it finds with -c, with the count going to a new column (defaulting to count). Incremental counting, when the count column already exists, is possible with -I. With incremental counting, the existing count column is summed.


-c or --count

Create a new column (count) which counts the number of times each line occurred.

The new column is named by the -N argument, defaulting to count.

-N on --new-name

Specify the name of the count column, if any. Please specify the type with the name, if desired (allowing one to pick sizes smaller than the default quad, if desired). (Default is count:q.)

-I on --incremental

Incremental counting. If the count column exists, it is assumed to have a partial count and the count accumulates. If the count column doesn't exist, it is created.

-L or --last

Output the last unique row only. By default, it outputs the first unique row.

-F or --first

Output the first unique row only.  (This output is the default.)

-B or --both

Output both the first and last unique rows.

This module also supports the standard fsdb options:


Enable debugging output.

-i or --input InputSource

Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or - for standard input, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

-o or --output OutputDestination

Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or - for standard output, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

--autorun or --noautorun

By default, programs process automatically, but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke the run() method. The --(no)autorun option controls that behavior within Perl.

--header H

Use H as the full Fsdb header, rather than reading a header from then input.


Show help.


Show full manual.

Sample Usage


    #fsdb      event
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbsort event


    cat data.fsdb | dbrowuniq -c


    #fsdb       event   count
    _null_getpage+128   6
    _null_getpage+4     6
    #   2       /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol        event
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbrowuniq -c

Sample Usage 2

Retaining the last unique row as an example.


        #fsdb event i
        _null_getpage+128 10
        _null_getpage+128 11
        _null_getpage+128 12
        _null_getpage+128 13
        _null_getpage+128 14
        _null_getpage+128 15
        _null_getpage+4 16
        _null_getpage+4 17
        _null_getpage+4 18
        _null_getpage+4 19
        _null_getpage+4 20
        _null_getpage+4 21
        #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event
        #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbsort event


    cat data.fsdb | dbrowuniq -c -L event


        #fsdb event i count
        _null_getpage+128       15      6
        #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event
        #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbsort event
        _null_getpage+4 21      6
        #   | dbrowuniq -c

Sample Usage 3

Incremental counting.


    #fsdb       event   count
    _null_getpage+128   6
    _null_getpage+128   6
    _null_getpage+4     6
    _null_getpage+4     6
    #  /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbrowuniq -c


    cat data.fsdb | dbrowuniq -I -c event


        #fsdb event count
        _null_getpage+128   12
        _null_getpage+4     12
        #  /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol     event
        #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbrowuniq -c
        #   | dbrowuniq -I -c event

See Also



2024-08-02 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation