db_to_csv - Man Page

convert fsdb to the comma-separated-value file-format


    db_to_csv [-C]


Covert an existing fsdb file to comma-separated value format.

Input is fsdb format.

Output is CSV-format plain text (not fsdb).


-C or <--omit-comments>

Also strip all comments.

This module also supports the standard fsdb options:


Enable debugging output.

-i or --input InputSource

Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or - for standard input, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

-o or --output OutputDestination

Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or - for standard output, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

--autorun or --noautorun

By default, programs process automatically, but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke the run() method. The --(no)autorun option controls that behavior within Perl.


Show help.


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Sample Usage


        #fsdb -F S paper papertitle reviewer reviewername score1 score2 score3 score4 score5
        1  test, paper  2  Smith  4  4  -  -  -
        2  other paper  3  Jones  3  3  -  -  -
        2  input double space  3  Jones  3  3  -  -  -
        #  | csv_to_db


    cat data.fsdb | db_to_csv


        1,"test, paper",2,Smith,4,4,-,-,-
        2,"other paper",3,Jones,3,3,-,-,-
        2,"input double space",3,Jones,3,3,-,-,-
        #  | csv_to_db 
        #  | db_to_csv

See Also

Fsdb. dbfilealter. csv_to_db


2024-08-02 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation