datalad-unlock - Man Page

unlock file(s) of a dataset


datalad unlock [-h] [-d DATASET] [-r] [-R LEVELS] [--version] [path ...]


Unlock files of a dataset in order to be able to edit the actual content


Unlock a single file::

% datalad unlock <path/to/file>

Unlock all contents in the dataset::

% datalad unlock .



file(s) to unlock. Constraints: value must be a string or value must be NONE

-h,  --help,  --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET

"specify the dataset to unlock files in. If no dataset is given, an attempt is made to identify the dataset based on the current working directory. Constraints: Value must be a Dataset or a valid identifier of a Dataset (e.g. a path) or value must be NONE

-r,  --recursive

if set, recurse into potential subdatasets.

-R LEVELS, --recursion-limit LEVELS

limit recursion into subdatasets to the given number of levels. Constraints: value must be convertible to type 'int' or value must be NONE


show the module and its version which provides the command


datalad is developed by The DataLad Team and Contributors <>.


2024-08-16 datalad unlock 1.1.3