csfilter-kfp - Man Page

tool to filter out known false positives in scan results


usage: csfilter-kfp [-h] [--kfp-dir KFP_DIR | --kfp-git-url KFP_GIT_URL]

[--project-nvr PROJECT_NVR]

[--record-excluded RECORD_EXCLUDED] [--json-output] [-v] [-n] [--version] [input_file]

positional arguments


optional name of the input file (standard input is used by default)


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--kfp-dir KFP_DIR

known false positives directory

--kfp-git-url KFP_GIT_URL

known false positives git URL (optionally taking a revision delimited by #)

--project-nvr PROJECT_NVR

Name-Version-Release (NVR) of the scanned project, used to find path exclusions

--record-excluded RECORD_EXCLUDED

file to store all excluded findings to


produce JSON output (default if stdout is not connected to a terminal)

-v, --verbose

run shell in XTRACE mode while executing the filtering script

-n, --dry-run

do not execute anything, only print the shell script that would be executed


print the version string and exit


September 2024 csfilter-kfp csdiff-3.5.1-1.fc42