cpaninject - Man Page

Inject a distribution for installation via the CPAN shell


  # Add the distribution
  cpaninject myperlmodule.tar.gz
  # And then install it from the cpan shell
  cpan> install LOCAL/myperlmodule.tar.gz


cpaninject is a small front-end application for the CPAN::Inject module.

It takes any arbitrary Perl distribution tarball (open source or otherwise) and injects it into the local CPAN file cache, smoothing some metadata files to make it look as if it came from CPAN.

It makes use the officially blessed "Reserved Local CPAN Author" id "LOCAL" as the author the distributions are added under.

To use the program, just run cpaninject mytarball.tar.gz to add it, then the CPAN shell to install it (with full automatic recursive dependency installation).

The key here being the recursive dependency installation, which you are now able to do even for installing non-CPAN modules.

This simplifies the installation process a little, and makes things easier on someone that just wants to install a single commercial or non-CPAN Perl module that might have a dozen or more CPAN dependencies.


All bugs should be filed via the bug tracker at


For other issues, or commercial enhancement and support, contact the author


Adam Kennedy <>

See Also



2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation