cpanfile-dump - Man Page

Dump prerequisites from a cpanfile


  # Install typical required and recommended modules
  cpan `cpanfile-dump`

  # Skip configures phase
  cpan `cpanfile-dump --no-configure`

  # Also include develop phase and suggests type 
  cpan `cpanfile-dump --develop --suggests`

  # Include a feature
  cpan `cpanfile-dump --with-feature=sqlite`


This script reads prereqs from a cpanfile and dumps a raw list of them to standard output.  This is useful for piping these as input to another program that doesn't support reading cpanfile directly, i.e. cpan or cpanp.

By default, it prints configure, build, test and runtime requirements and recommendations.  Command line options can be used to modify the default choices.

This script is distributed with Module::CPANfile since version 1.0002.


--configure,  --build,  --test,  --runtime,  --develop

Specify the phase to include/exclude. Defaults to include all but --develop but you can exclude some phases by specifying the options with --no- prefix, like --no-configure.

--requires,  --recommends,  --suggests,  --conflicts

Specify the type to include/exclude. Defaults to include only --requires and --recommends but you can exclude some types by specifying the options with --no- prefix, like --no-recommends.

Specifying --conflicts will turn off all other types (even if specified on the command line).

--with-feature,  --with-all-features,  --without-feature
    cpanfile-dump --with-feature=sqlite
    cpanfile-dump --with-all-features --without-feature=yaml

Specify features to include in the dump.  --with-feature and --without-feature may be used more than once.


Because cpanm supports reading cpanfile directly, instead of piping the output of this program, you're recommended to use cpanm --installdeps . to install modules from cpanfile.


David Golden

See Also

Module::CPANfile cpanfile App::mymeta_requires


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation