copyg - Man Page
manual page for copyg 2.8.9
copyg [-gszfp#:#qhx] [infile [outfile]]
Copy a file of graphs with possible format conversion.
- -g
Use graph6 format for output
- -s
Use sparse6 format for output
- -z
Use digraph6 format for output
- -i
Use incremental sparse6 format for output
In the absence of -g, -s, -z or -i, the format depends on the header or, if none, the first input line. As an exception, digraphs are always written in digraph6.
-p# -p#:#
Specify range of input lines (first is 1) This can fail if the input has incremental lines.
- -f
With -p, assume input lines of fixed length
(ignored if header or first line has sparse6 format).
- -I#
Have at most this number of incremental steps
- in a row.
Implies -i.
- -h
Write a header.
- -x
Don't write a header.
In the absence of -h and -x, a header is written if there is one in the input.
- -q
Suppress auxiliary output.