copr-cli - Man Page

command line interface for the Copr service


copr-cli [-h] [--version] [--config CONFIG] {list,create,build} ...


This command allows you to interact with the Copr service from the command line.

You need to to configure authentication first (see the Authentication section below).


-h,  --help

show this help message and exit


show the program’s version number and exit


path to an alternative configuration file (default is ~/.config/copr).

Action List

list [username|@groupname]

List all the projects of the provided username. If no username is provided, then your projects are listed.


Create a new project.


Delete an entire project.


Build packages for a specified project.


Get the status of the build.


Cancel a build of given id.


Download a build to local directory.


Modify existing copr


Regenerate repository metadata for a project


Add a new package of the specified source type (e.g. add-package-tito)


Edit source definition and type of an existing package (e.g. edit-package-tito)


List all packages from a copr in json format


Output just the package names from the given copr


Display details of a single package in json format


Remove package from a copr and all its builds as well


Clear source definition of a package and its source type


Build package from its source definition


Get the mock profile (similar to koji mock-config)


Build module via Copr MB

Project Actions

copr-cli create [options]

usage: copr-cli create [-h] --chroot CHROOTS [--repo REPOS] [--initial-pkgs PKGS] [--description Description] [--instructions INSTRUCTIONS] [--disable_createrepo DISABLE_CREATEREPO] [--enable-net {on,off}] [--unlisted-on-hp {on,off}] [--persistent] [--auto-prune {on,off}] [--isolation {default, nspawn, simple}] name


Chroot to use for this project. Can be specified multiple times, but at least one must be present.


Repository to add to this project. Can be specified multiple times.


List of packages to build in this new project. Can be specified multiple times.


Description of the project.


Instructions for the project.


Disables automatic repository metadata generation. Accepted values for DISABLE_CREATEREPO: true/false.


If net should be enabled for builds in this project.


This project will not be listed on COPR home page.


Project and its builds will be undeletable. This option can only be specified by a COPR admin.


If backend auto-prunning script should be run for this project. This option can only be specified by a COPR admin.

--isolation ISOLATION

Choose the isolation method for running commands in buildroot


Can be just name of the project or in form username/projectname or @groupname/projectname.

copr-cli modify [options]

usage: copr-cli modify [-h] [--repo REPOS] [--chroot CHROOTS] [--description Description] [--instructions INSTRUCTIONS] [--disable_createrepo DISABLE_CREATEREPO] [--enable-net {on,off}] [--unlisted-on-hp {on,off}] [--auto-prune {on,off}] [--isolation {default, nspawn, simple}] name

Alters only specified project property.


Repository to add to this project. Can be specified multiple times.


Chroot to use for this project. Can be specified multiple times. When this option is not used, chroots in the project remain unchanged. Once you specify a chroot, it is going to be enabled in the project, but current chroots will not be preserved if they are not specified.


Description of the project.


Instructions for the project.


Disables automatic repository metadata generation. Accepted values for DISABLE_CREATEREPO: true/false.


If networking should be enabled for builds in this project.


This project will not be listed on COPR home page.


If backend auto-prunning script should be run for this project. This option can only be specified by a COPR admin.

--isolation ISOLATION

Choose the isolation method for running commands in buildroot


Can be just name of the project or in form username/projectname or @groupname/projectname.

copr-cli regenerate-repos [options]

usage: copr-cli regenerate-repos [-h] copr


Can be just name of the project or in form username/projectname or @groupname/projectname.

Build Actions

copr-cli build [options]

usage: copr-cli build [-h] [-r, --chroot CHROOTS] [--memory MEMORY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--nowait] [--background] [--isolation {default, nspawn, simple}] [--enable-net {on,off}] copr_repo PKG [PKG ...]

-r, --chroot

If you don’t need this build for all the project’s chroots. You can use it several times for each chroot you need.


If you don’t need this build for all the project’s chroots. You can use it several times for each chroot you don’t need.


Override memory for this build. This is actually not used and it have no effect.


Specify build timeout (seconds), if the build takes longer than that, it is terminated and fails. The default is usually set to 5 hours on Copr Frontend.


Don’t wait for build completion.


Run the build at a lower priority.

--isolation ISOLATION

Choose the isolation method for running commands in buildroot.


If networking should be enabled for this build.


The copr repository to build the package in. This can be a simple name of some of your projects or it can be specified fully as username/project or @groupname/project. This way you can build into the project of another user or group, provided you have permissions to do so. Finally, instead of just project name, you can also pass project:tag. In that case, the build will land into the project side repository instead of the main repository. The side repository of the name project:tag will be automatically created if it doesn’t exist yet. You can e.g. use this feature to launch test builds while the main user-facing repository stays intact. You can specify any tag that is appropriate for the given build(s).


This can be either file on your local workstation or URL of the package to build. When URL is used, then the package must be placed on a public web or ftp server. Note that you cannot combine local file paths and URLs in one command line and local-file builds are limited to the first specified PKG. This limitation comes from the COPR API.

copr-cli buildpypi [options]

usage: copr buildpypi [-h] [-r, --chroot CHROOTS] [--memory MEMORY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--nowait] [--background] [--pythonversions [VERSION [VERSION ...]]] [--packageversion PYPIVERSION] --packagename PYPINAME project

--pythonversions [VERSION [VERSION ...]]

For what Python versions to build (by default: 3 2)

--packageversion PYPIVERSION

Version of the PyPI package to be built (by default latest)

--packagename PYPINAME

Name of the PyPI package to be built, required.

For the rest of the arguments, see copr-cli build command above.

copr-cli buildscm [options]

usage: copr buildscm [-h] --clone-url CLONE_URL [--commit COMMITTISH] [--subdir SUBDIRECTORY] [--spec SPEC] [--type {git,svn}] [--method {rpkg,tito,tito_test,make_srpm}] [--memory MEMORY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--nowait] [-r CHROOTS] [--background] copr_repo

Build package from a Git/DistGit/SVN repository.

--clone-url CLONE_URL

clone url to a project versioned by Git or SVN, required

--commit COMMITISH

branch name, tag name, or git hash to be built


relative path from the repo root to the package content

--spec SPEC

relative path from the subdirectory to the .spec file

--type TYPE

Specify versioning tool. Default is git.

--method METHOD

Srpm build method. Default is rpkg.

For the rest of the arguments, see copr-cli build command above.

copr-cli download-build [options]

usage: copr-cli download-build [-h] [-d, --dest DESTINATION] [-r, --chroot CHROOT] build_id


Download built packages for build identified by build_id.

-d, --dest

Base directory to store packages

-r, --chroot

Fetch only selected chroots. Can be specified multiple times.

copr-cli delete-build [options]

usage: copr delete-build [-h] build_id [build_id ...]


ID of the build to be deleted. Can be specified multiple times. Note that specifying multiple build_id is much faster than calling copr delete-build multiple times, because in the first case createrepo is called only once.


copr-cli build myproject some.src.rpm
copr-cli build someone_else/project some.src.rpm
copr-cli build -r fedora-24-x86_64 -r fedora-24-i386 "@somegroup/project" some.src.rpm

Chroot Actions

copr-cli edit-chroot [options] coprchroot

usage: copr edit-chroot [-h] [--upload-comps FILEPATH | --delete-comps] [--packages PACKAGES] [--repos REPOS] [--isolation {default, nspawn, simple}] coprchroot

Edit the specified coprchroot.


Path to a project chroot as owner/project/chroot or project/chroot

--upload-comps FILEPATH

Filepath to the comps.xml file to be uploaded


Deletes already existing comps.xml for the chroot

--packages PACKAGES

space separated string of package names to be added to buildroot (e.g. "gcc ghc")

--repos REPOS

space separated string of additional repo urls for chroot (e.g. "http://foo http://bar")

--isolation ISOLATION

Choose the isolation method for running commands in buildroot

copr-cli get-chroot coprchroot

usage: copr get-chroot [-h] coprchroot [--output-format {json, text, text-row}]

Print info of the given chroot.


Path to a project chroot as owner/project/chroot or project/chroot

--output-format FORMAT

Set the formatting style. We recommend using json, which prints the required data in json format. The text format prints the required data in a column, one piece of information per line. The text-row format prints all information separated by a space on a single line.

Package Actions

copr-cli add-package-pypi [options]

usage: copr add-package-pypi [-h] [--pythonversions [VERSION [VERSION ...]]] [--packageversion PYPIVERSION] --packagename PYPINAME --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] project

Add package of PyPI source type.

--pythonversions [VERSION [VERSION ...]]

For what Python versions to build (by default: 3 2)

--packageversion PYPIVERSION

Version of the PyPI package to be built (by default latest)

--packagename PYPINAME

Name of the PyPI package to be built, required

--name PKGNAME

Name of the package to be edited or created

--webhook-rebuild {on,off}

Enable auto-rebuilding

copr-cli edit-package-pypi [options]

usage: copr edit-package-pypi [-h] [--pythonversions [VERSION [VERSION ...]]] [--packageversion PYPIVERSION] --packagename PYPINAME --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] project

Edit source definition and type of an existing package. Options are shared with add-package-pypi.

copr-cli add-package-scm [options]

usage: copr add-package-scm [-h] --clone-url CLONE_URL [--commit COMMITTISH]
                            [--subdir SUBDIRECTORY] [--spec SPEC]
                            [--type {git,svn}]
                            [--method {rpkg,tito,tito_test,make_srpm}] --name
                            PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}]

Add package of SCM source type.

--clone-url CLONE_URL::
clone url to a project versioned by Git or SVN, required

--commit COMMITISH::
branch name, tag name, or git hash to be built

relative path from the repo root to the package content

--spec SPEC::
relative path from the subdirectory to the .spec file

--type TYPE::
Specify versioning tool. Default is 'git'.

--method METHOD::
Srpm build method. Default is 'rpkg'.

--name PKGNAME::
Name of the package to be edited or created

--webhook-rebuild {on,off}::
Enable auto-rebuilding

`copr-cli edit-package-scm [options]`

usage: copr edit-package-scm [-h] --clone-url CLONE_URL [--commit COMMITTISH] [--subdir SUBDIRECTORY] [--spec SPEC] [--type {git,svn}] [--method {rpkg,tito,tito_test,make_srpm}] --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] copr

Edit package of SCM source type.

copr-cli add-package-rubygems [options]

usage: copr add-package-rubygems [-h] [--gem GEM] --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] project

Add package of RubyGems source type.

--gem GEM

Specify gem name

--name PKGNAME

Name of the package to be edited or created

--webhook-rebuild {on,off}

Enable auto-rebuilding

copr-cli edit-package-rubygems [options]

usage: copr edit-package-rubygems [-h] [--gem GEM] --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] project

Edit source definition and type of an existing package. Options are shared with add-package-rubygems.

copr-cli add-package-custom [options]

usage: copr add-package-custom [-h] --script SCRIPT [--script-chroot SCRIPT_CHROOT] [--script-builddeps SCRIPT_BUILDDEPS] [--script-resultdir SCRIPT_RESULTDIR] [--script-repos SCRIPT_REPOS] --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] [--max-builds MAX_BUILDS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] project

Add package of Custom source type.

--script SCRIPT

Text file (script) to be used to prepare the sources

--script-chroot SCRIPT_CHROOT

Mock chroot to build sources for the SRPM in

--script-builddeps SCRIPT_BUILDDEPS

Space separated list of packages needed to build the sources

--script-resultdir SCRIPT_RESULTDIR

Where SCRIPT generates the result, relatively to script’s $PWD (defaults to .)

--script-repos SCRIPT_REPOS

Space separated string of additional repo urls for script dependencies

--name PKGNAME

Name of the package to be edited or created

--webhook-rebuild {on,off}

Enable auto-rebuilding.

--max-builds MAX_BUILDS

Keep only the specified number of the newest-by-id builds (garbage collector is run daily), zero disables (default)

--timeout TIMEOUT

Number of seconds we allow the builds to run, default is 18000 (5h)

copr-cli edit-package-custom [options]

usage: copr edit-package-custom [-h] --script SCRIPT [--script-chroot SCRIPT_CHROOT] [--script-builddeps SCRIPT_BUILDDEPS] [--script-resultdir SCRIPT_RESULTDIR] [--script-repos SCRIPT_REPOS] --name PKGNAME [--webhook-rebuild {on,off}] [--max-builds MAX_BUILDS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] project

Edit source definition and type of an existing package. Options are shared with add-package-custom.

copr-cli list-packages [options]

usage: copr list-packages [-h] [--with-latest-build] [--with-latest-succeeded-build] [--with-all-builds] [--output-format {json, text, text-row}] project

Lists all packages in the given project in json format.


Also display data related to the latest build for each package.


Also display data related to the latest succeeded build for each package.


Also display data related to the builds for each package.

--output-format FORMAT

Set the formatting style. We recommend using json, which prints the required data in json format. The text format prints the required data in a column, one piece of information per line. The text-row format prints all information separated by a space on a single line.

copr-cli list-package-names [options]

usage: copr list-package-names [-h] project

Only list package names in the given project line by line.

copr-cli get-package [options]

usage: copr get-package [-h] --name PKGNAME [--with-latest-build] [--with-latest-succeeded-build] [--with-all-builds] [--output-format {json, text, text-row}] project

Similar to list-packages but returns just a single package directly as json structure (not wrapped in a list).

--output-format FORMAT

Set the formatting style. We recommend using json, which prints the required data in json format. The text format prints the required data in a column, one piece of information per line. The text-row format prints all information separated by a space on a single line.

copr-cli delete-package [options]

usage: copr delete-package [-h] --name PKGNAME project

Deletes package and all its builds from the given project.

copr-cli reset-package [options]

usage: copr reset-package [-h] --name PKGNAME project

Clears default source of a package and its source type (all the package settings are lost after invoking this!).

copr-cli build-package [options]

usage: copr build-package [-h] [--memory MEMORY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--nowait] [-r CHROOTS] --name PKGNAME project

Creates a new build of the given package from its source definition.

--name PKGNAME

Name of a package to be built

For the rest of the arguments, see copr-cli build command above.

copr-cli mock-config [options]

usage: copr mock-config [-h] project chroot

Get the mock profile (similar to koji mock-config), print it to standard output. The configuration can be slightly different from the real mock configuration used by Copr Builders, but should be similar enough for basic debugging (e.g. by mock --shell).


copr-cli add-package-tito myproject --name pkgname --git-url --test on
copr-cli get-package myproject --name pkgname
copr-cli build-package myproject --name pkgname --nowait --timeout 10000 -r fedora-23-x86_64
copr-cli delete-package myproject --name pkgname
copr-cli mock-config myproject fedora-rawhide-x86_64

Module Actions

copr-cli build-module [options]

usage: copr build-module [-h] [--url URL] [--token TOKEN] [copr]

Build module via Copr MBS

--url URL: SCM with modulemd file in yaml format

--yaml YAML: Path to modulemd file in yaml format


copr-cli build-module --url git://

Exit Status

Normally, the exit code is 0 when everything goes well. But if not, we could get:

1 - Bad request like wrong project name, insufficient rights etc. Also might happen when user interrupts the operation when they shouldn’t.

2 - Wrong arguments given.

3 - Bad or no configuration.

4 - Build failed or was canceled.

5 - Communication error between Cli and server. This issue probably means bug and should be reported.

6 - Configuration error.

7 - Authentication with Copr server failed.


Copr client supports token-based and GSSAPI authentication.

Visit the page to obtain an API token. This token must be saved in the configuration file ~/.config/copr in the following format:

username = msuchy
login = Y57wcg==##fkfaxbkjhuoiebfafadl
token = vbfseelqdebzedukgombekmuvbkqwo
copr_url =
# expiration date: 2023-01-01

Be aware that API tokens have an expiration date!

To enable GSSAPI you need to obtain a Kerberos ticket. If you want to work with Fedora Copr, you can just do:

$ fkinit
Enter your password and OTP concatenated. (Ignore that the prompt is for only the token)
Enter OTP Token Value: <your password + OTP token>

To work with a different (non-Fedora Copr) instance, you will obtain the ticket differently and you still need to have a configuration file referring appropriate copr_url:

$ kinit username@EXAMPLE.COM
$ cat ~/.config/copr
copr_url =

Copr client uses the python API internally, for more info take a look at the page

Using Different Copr Instance

If you plan to run copr client against non-default Copr instance, the API token is available on the http://YOUR.COPR.URL/api/ page. You can either replace your default ~/.config/copr configuration file, or rather use alternative file with a shell alias

alias your_copr='copr --config ~/.config/your-copr'

inserted into your profile.


Miroslav Suchý <>, clime <>

Referenced By

centpkg(1), fedpkg(1), rfpkg(1), rpkg(1).

The man page copr(1) is an alias of copr-cli(1).

10/02/2024 COPR