condor_watch_q - Man Page


condor_watch_q ā€” HTCondor Manual

Track the status of jobs over time.


condor_watch_q [-help]

condor_watch_q [general options] [display options] [behavior options] [tracking options]


condor_watch_q is a tool for tracking the status of jobs over time without repeatedly querying the condor_schedd. It does this by reading job event log files. These files may be specified directly (the -files option), or indirectly via a single query to the condor_schedd when condor_watch_q starts up (options like -users or -clusters).

condor_watch_q provides a variety of options for output formatting, including: colorized output, tabular information, progress bars, and text summaries. These display options are highly-customizable via command line options.

condor_watch_q also provides a minimal language for exiting when certain conditions are met by the tracked jobs. For example, it can be configured to exit when all of the tracked jobs have terminated.


If no users, cluster ids, or event logs are given, condor_watch_q will default to tracking all of the current user's jobs. Thus, with no arguments,


will track all of your currently-active clusters.

To track jobs from a specific cluster, use the -clusters option, passing the cluster ID:

condor_watch_q -clusters 12345

To track jobs from a specific user, use the -users option, passing the user's name the actual query will be the for the Owner job ad attribute):

condor_watch_q -users jane

To track jobs from a specific event log file, use the -files option, passing the path to the event log:

condor_watch_q -users /home/jane/events.log

To track jobs from a specific batch, use the -batches option, passing the batch name:

condor_watch_q -batches BatchOfJobsFromTuesday

All of the above "tracking" options can be used together, and multiple values may be passed to each one. For example, to track all of the jobs that are: owned by jane or jim, in cluster 12345, or in the event log /home/jill/events.log, run

condor_watch_q -users jane jim -clusters 12345 -files /home/jill/events.log

By default, condor_watch_q will never exit on its own (unless it encounters an error or it is not tracking any jobs). You can tell it to exit when certain conditions are met. For example, to exit with status 0 when all of the jobs it is tracking are done or with status 1 when any job is held, you could run

condor_watch_q -exit all,done,0 -exit any,held,1


General Options


Display the help message and exit.


Causes debugging information to be sent to stderr.

Tracking Options

These options control which jobs condor_watch_q will track, and how it discovers them.

-users USER [USER ...]

Choose which users to track jobs for. All of the user's jobs will be tracked. One or more user names may be passed.

-clusters CLUSTER_ID [CLUSTER_ID ...]

Which cluster IDs to track jobs for. One or more cluster ids may be passed.

-larger-than CLUSTER_ID

Track jobs for all cluster IDs greater than or equal to the specified CLUSTER_ID. Note: This option does not discover how to track jobs.

-files FILE [FILE ...]

Which job event log files (i.e., the log file from condor_submit) to track jobs from. One or more file paths may be passed.

-batches BATCH_NAME [BATCH_NAME ...]

Which job batch names to track jobs for. One or more batch names may be passed.

-collector COLLECTOR

Which collector to contact to find the schedd, if needed. Defaults to the local collector.

-schedd SCHEDD

Which schedd to contact for queries, if needed. Defaults to the local schedd.

Behavior Options


Specify conditions under which condor_watch_q should exit. GROUPER is one of all, any or none. JOB_STATUS is one of active, done, idle, or held. The "active" status means "in the queue", and includes jobs in the idle, running, and held states. EXIT_STATUS may be any valid exit status integer. To specify multiple exit conditions, pass this option multiple times. condor_watch_q will exit when any of the conditions are satisfied.

Display Options

These options control how condor_watch_q formats its output. Many of them are "toggles": -x enables option "x", and -no-x disables it.

-groupby {batch, log, cluster}

How to group jobs into rows for display in the table. Must be one of batch (group by job batch name), log (group by event log file path), or cluster (group by cluster ID). Defaults to batch.


Enable/disable the table. Enabled by default.


Enable/disable the progress bar. Enabled by default.


Enable/disable the progress bar for each row. Enabled by default.


Enable/disable the summary line. Enabled by default.

-summary-type {totals, percentages}

Choose what to display on the summary line, totals (the number of each jobs in each state), or percentages (the percentage of jobs in each state, of the total number of tracked jobs) By default, show totals.


Enable/disable the "updated at" line. Enabled by default.


Enable/disable abbreviating path components to the shortest somewhat-unique prefix. Disabled by default.


Enable/disable colored output. Enabled by default if connected to a tty. Disabled on Windows if colorama is not available (


Enable/disable refreshing output. If refreshing is disabled, output will be appended instead. Enabled by default if connected to a tty.

Exit Status

Returns 0 when sent a SIGINT (keyboard interrupt).

Returns 0 if no jobs are found to track.

Returns 1 for fatal internal errors.

Can be configured via the -exit option to return any valid exit status when a certain condition is met.


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


HTCondor Team


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual