condor_fetchlog - Man Page


condor_fetchlog ā€” HTCondor Manual

Retrieve a daemon's log file that is located on another computer


condor_fetchlog [-help | -version ]

condor_fetchlog [-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]] [-master | -startd | -schedd | -collector | -negotiator | -kbdd ] machine-name subsystem[.extension]


condor_fetchlog contacts HTCondor running on the machine specified by machine-name, and asks it to return a log file from that machine. Which log file is determined from the subsystem[.extension] argument. The log file is printed to standard output. This command eliminates the need to remotely log in to a machine in order to retrieve a daemon's log file.

For security purposes of authentication and authorization, this command requires ADMINISTRATOR level of access.

The subsystem[.extension] argument is utilized to construct the log file's name. Without an optional .extension, the value of the configuration variable named subsystem _LOG defines the log file's name. When specified, the .extension is appended to this value.

The subsystem argument is any value $(SUBSYSTEM) that has a defined configuration variable of $(SUBSYSTEM)_LOG, or any of

A value for the optional .extension to the subsystem argument is typically one of the three strings:

  1. .old
  2. .slot<X>
  3. .slot<X>.old

Within these strings, <X> is substituted with the slot number.

A subsystem argument of STARTD_HISTORY fetches all condor_startd history by concatenating all instances of log files resulting from rotation.



Display usage information


Display version information

-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]

Specify a pool by giving the central manager's host name and an optional port number


Send the command to the condor_master daemon (default)


Send the command to the condor_startd daemon


Send the command to the condor_schedd daemon


Send the command to the condor_collector daemon


Send the command to the condor_kbdd daemon


To get the condor_negotiator daemon's log from a host named from within the current pool:

$ condor_fetchlog NEGOTIATOR

To get the condor_startd daemon's log from a host named from within the current pool:

$ condor_fetchlog STARTD

This command requested the condor_startd daemon's log from the condor_master. If the condor_master has crashed or is unresponsive, ask another daemon running on that computer to return the log. For example, ask the condor_startd daemon to return the condor_master 's log:

$ condor_fetchlog -startd MASTER

Exit Status

condor_fetchlog will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


HTCondor Team


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual