condor_evicted_files - Man Page
condor_evicted_files — HTCondor Manual
Inspect the file(s) that HTCondor is holding on to as a result of a job being evicted when when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT, or checkpointing when CheckpointExitCode is set.
condor_evicted_files [COMMAND] <clusterID>.<procID>[ <clusterID.<procID>]*
Print the directory or directories HTCondor is using to store files for the specified job or jobs. COMMAND may be one of dir, list, or get:
- dir: Print the directory (for each job) in which the file(s) are stored.
- list: List the contents of the directory (for each job).
- get: Copy the contents of the directory to a subdirectory named after each job's ID.
General Remarks
The tool presently has a number of limitations:
- It must be run the same machine as the job's schedd.
- The schedd must NOT have ALTERNATE_JOB_SPOOL set
- You can't name the destination directory for the get command.
- The tool can't distinguish between an invalid job ID and a job for which HTCondor never held any files.
Exit Status
Returns 0 on success.
Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison
HTCondor Team
1990-2024, Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, US. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.