composer-cli-compose-start-ostree - Man Page

Start an ostree compose using the selected blueprint and output type


composer-cli compose start-ostree BLUEPRINT TYPE [IMAGE-NAME PROFILE.TOML] [flags]


Start an ostree compose using the selected blueprint and output type.
 Optionally start an upload.
 --size is supported by osbuild-composer, and is in MiB.

The full details of the start-ostree command can be viewed here:


-h, --help[=false] help for start-ostree

--parent="" OSTree parent

--poll="10s" Polling interval

--ref="" OSTree reference

--size=0 Size of image in MiB

--timeout="5m" Maximum time to wait

--url="" OSTree url

--wait[=false] Wait for compose to finish

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

-a, --api=1 Server API Version to use

-j, --json[=false] Output the raw JSON response instead of the normal output

--log="" Path to optional logfile

-s, --socket="/run/weldr/api.socket" Path to the server's socket file

--test=0 Pass test mode to compose. 1=Mock compose with fail. 2=Mock compose with finished.


  composer-cli compose start-ostree tmux-image fedora-iot-container
  composer-cli compose start-ostree tmux-image fedora-iot-container iot-name upload.toml
  composer-cli compose start-ostree --ref "rhel/edge/example" tmux-image fedora-iot-container
  composer-cli compose start-ostree --ref "rhel/edge/example" --url empty fedora-iot-installer

See Also



20-Jul-2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Referenced By


Jul 2024 composer-cli