cmus-remote - Man Page
control cmus
cmus-remote [OPTION]... [FILE|DIR|PLAYLIST]...
cmus-remote -C COMMAND...
Add FILE/DIR/PLAYLIST to playlist, library (-l) or play queue (-q).
If no arguments are given cmus-remote reads raw commands from stdin (one command per line). Raw commands are cmus' command mode commands. These same commands are used in configuration files and key bindings. cmus(1) contains full list of commands. For consistency also searching is supported: -C /text.
If -C is given, all command line arguments are treated as raw commands.
- --server SOCKET
Connect using socket SOCKET instead of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/cmus-socket.
- --passwd PASSWD
password to use for TCP/IP connection
- --help
Display usage information and exit.
- --version
Display version information and exit.
- -p, --play
Start playing.
- -u, --pause
Toggle pause.
- -U, --pause-playback
Pause if currently playing.
- -s, --stop
Stop playing.
- -n, --next
Skip forward in playlist.
- -r, --prev
Skip backward in playlist.
- -R, --repeat
Toggle repeat.
- -S, --shuffle
Toggle shuffle.
- -v, --volume VOL
Change volume. See vol command in cmus(1).
- -k, --seek SEEK
Seek. See seek command in cmus(1).
- -f, --file FILE
Play from file.
- -Q
Get player status information. Same as -C status. Note that status is a special command only available to cmus-remote.
- -l, --library
Modify library instead of playlist.
- -P, --playlist
Modify playlist (default).
- -q, --queue
Modify play queue instead of playlist.
- -c, --clear
- -C, --raw
Treat arguments (instead of stdin) as raw commands.
Remote Commands
Special commands only available to cmus-remote.
- status
Print information about currently playing track.
- format_print
Print arguments as Format Strings. Each argument starts a new line.
Add playlists/files/directories/URLs to library view (1 & 2):
$ cmus-remote -l music.m3u \
Load (clear and add) playlist to playlist view (3):
$ cmus-remote -c music.m3u
Three different ways to toggle repeat:
$ cmus-remote -R $ cmus-remote -C "toggle repeat" $ cmus-remote toggle repeat ^D
Query settings or key bindings:
$ cmus-remote -C "set repeat?" setting: 'repeat=false' $ cmus-remote -C "showbind common a" bind common a win-add-l
Dump the playlist to stdout:
$ cmus-remote -C "save -p -" [...]
Search works too:
$ cmus-remote -C /beatles
See Also
Written by Timo Hirvonen <>