cideasy2ncid - Man Page

CIDEasy Caller ID device to NCID server gateway


cideasy2ncid [options]


[--configfile <filename>    | -C <filename>]
[--debug                    | -D]
[--delay <seconds>          | -d <seconds>]
[--help                     | -h]
[--hostname-flag <0|1>      | -H <0|1>]
[--logfile <filename>       | -L <filename>]
[--ncidhost <[host][:port]> | -n [host][:port]>]
[--pidfile <filename>       | -p <filename>]
[--test                     | -t]
[--test-file                | -T <testfile>]
[-v <1-9>                   | --verbose <1-9>]
[-V                         | --version]


The cideasy2ncid gateway sends Caller ID messages in a modified MDMF format. Model-E and Model-F are supported.  Model-E has two telephone line inputs labeled A and B.  Model-F has four telephone line inputs labeled A, B, C and D.

The line identifier is set to CIDEASY-<port> (CIDEASY-A, CIDEASY-B, etc). It can be aliased by the NCID server so you can give each phone line a meaningful identification such as  the last 4 digits of the phone number. For example: 1234.  You can even use the complete phone number if you desire.

The configuration file for cideasy2ncid is prefix3=/etc/ncid/cideasy2ncid.conf. It may be located in same directory as the script, or in the etc directory, or in NCID default configuration directory. Read the comments in the config file for more details.

The -fIcideasy2ncid=fR device can run on any system, but normally it is run on same box as the NCID server. If it is not run on the same box as the NCID server, you must configure the server IP address in the configuration file.


-C <filename> | --config <filename>

Configuration file.

Default: prefix3=/etc/ncid/cideasy2ncid.conf

-D | --debug

Debug mode, cideasy2ncid stays attached to the terminal and displays all messages that go into the log file.

-h | --help

Displays the help message and exits.

-H <0|1> | --hostname-flag <0|1>

When the hosthame flag is set to 1, the IDENT string sent to a server will include the hostname with the program name.

Default: 1

-L <filename> | --logfile <filename>

Specifies the logfile name to use.

Default: /var/log/cideasy2ncid.log

-P <filename> | --pidfile <filename>

Specifies the pidfile name to write. Set to /var/run/ in an rc or init script when used as a service. The program will still run if it does not have permission to write a pidfile. There is no default.  If pidfile is not set, no pid file will be used.

--test | -t

Test mode, cideasy2ncid stays attached to the terminal and no connection is made to the server.  Displays all messages that go into the log file.
Test mode sets debug mode and verbose = 4.  The verbose level can be changed on the command line.

--test-file | -T

Test file mode, no connection is made to the cideasy2ncid device. The test-file mode uses a test file as input instead of a cideasy2ncid device. If test mode is also set, there is no connection to the NCID server. It sets debug mode and verbose = 4. The verbose level can be changed on the command line.

-v <1-9> | --verbose <1-9>

Verbose mode. Send information into the logfile and display information for the -D  option.  Set a higher number for more information.
To debug, try: verbose = 4 or 5

Default: 1

-V | --version

Displays the version then exits


This option is only for OSX when using launchd to control ncidd.  It prevents ncidd from entering daemon mode.  It is like debug mode, but nothing is printed to the screen.


CIDEasy device



See Also

cideasy2ncid.conf(5), ncidd(8), ncidd.conf(5), ncid_gateways(7)

Referenced By


2023-01-01 NCID