bundle-add - Man Page
Add gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install
bundle add GEM_NAME [--group=GROUP] [--version=VERSION] [--source=SOURCE] [--path=PATH] [--git=GIT|--github=GITHUB] [--branch=BRANCH] [--ref=REF] [--skip-install] [--strict|--optimistic]
Adds the named gem to the [Gemfile(5)][Gemfile(5)] and run bundle install. bundle install can be avoided by using the flag --skip-install.
- --version, -v
Specify version requirements(s) for the added gem.
- --group, -g
Specify the group(s) for the added gem. Multiple groups should be separated by commas.
- --source, -s
Specify the source for the added gem.
- --require, -r
Adds require path to gem. Provide false, or a path as a string.
- --path
Specify the file system path for the added gem.
- --git
Specify the git source for the added gem.
- --github
Specify the github source for the added gem.
- --branch
Specify the git branch for the added gem.
- --ref
Specify the git ref for the added gem.
- --skip-install
Adds the gem to the Gemfile but does not install it.
- --optimistic
Adds optimistic declaration of version.
- --strict
Adds strict declaration of version.
You can add the rails gem to the Gemfile without any version restriction. The source of the gem will be the global source.
bundle add rails
You can add the rails gem with version greater than 1.1 (not including 1.1) and less than 3.0.
bundle add rails --version "> 1.1, < 3.0"
You can use the https://gems.example.com custom source and assign the gem to a group.
bundle add rails --version "~> 5.0.0" --source "https://gems.example.com" --group "development"
The following adds the gem entry to the Gemfile without installing the gem. You can install gems later via bundle install.
bundle add rails --skip-install
You can assign the gem to more than one group.
bundle add rails --group "development, test"
See Also
Gemfile(5) https://bundler.io/man/gemfile.5.html, bundle-remove(1) bundle-remove(1).html