buildrealms - Man Page

assist in building a DNSSEC-Tools realms environment


  buildrealms [options] <realmsfile> <command> <command-args>


buildrealms helps in setting up a realms environment for use by dtrealms. buildrealms creates the required file hierarchies for each realm, it moves a realm's files to their appropriate place in the hierarchy, and it updates several files for the final destination.

The realm hierarchies are built in a staging area, which will hold the files for all the realms.  These are rollrec files, keyrec files, key files, configuration files, log files, and anything else needed for by DNSSEC-Tools to manage key rollover.  After buildrealms creates these files, the user should check the files to ensure that they are correct.  The files and directories in the staging then must be manually moved to the final directory. It is from this directory that dtrealms will manage the various realms. If the final directory isn't specified (via an option), then the directory in which buildrealms was executed will be the final directory.

buildrealms uses a realms file to control how it builds the realms environment.  This realm entries in this file have a hoard field, which is only used by buildrealms.  For each realm, this field's value is a directory which holds the files needed by that particular realm. After building that realm, buildrealms removes the hoard entry from that realm record.  After all the realms have been built, a copy of this realms file is moved into the staging area.

There are two operations buildrealms currently provides.  These operations are in support of creating and maintaining a DNSSEC-Tools realms environment. This documentation describes the operations individually.

Realms Environment Creation

The create command builds the whole realms environment.  The realm file hierarchies are built in the staging area.  After buildrealms creates these files, the user should check the files to ensure that they are correct.  The files and directories in the staging then must be manually moved to the final directory.  If the final directory isn't specified (via an option), then the directory in which buildrealms was executed will be the final directory.

buildrealms takes the following actions when given the create command:

  • A file hierarchy is created for each realm.
  • A DNSSEC-Tools configuration file is put in each realm's hierarchy. If the -config option is given, then the specified configuration file will be copied to each realm.  If it isn't given, then each realm's hoard will be searched for a file whose name ends with .conf.  The first such file found will be used for that realm only.  If such a file is not found, then the system-wide DNSSEC-Tools configuration file will be used for that realm.
  • The realm's rollrec, keyrec, zone, and key files are moved into the hierarchy.  The rollrec file is named in the realms file.  The keyrec and signed zone files are listed in the rollrec file.  The unsigned zone files and key files are listed in the keyrec file.
  • A key archive is created for each realm's existing, expired keys. The key archive is placed in the realm's state directory in the staging area.  Archived keys, as listed in the keyrec files, are moved to this key archive.
  • Paths in several files are adjusted for the new hierarchy and the realm's final destination.  These paths include archived keys in the realm's keyrec files, the key archive and rollerd log files in the realm's DNSSEC-Tools configuration file, and key directories in the keyrec files.

Realms Hierarchy Creation

The trees command builds the basic directory hierarchy for each realm in the staging area.  However, no other files or directories are copied or moved in to the staging area..

The following directories are created for each realm:

  • configuration directory - This holds the dnssec-tools directory.
  • dnssec-tools directory - This will hold the DNSSEC-Tools configuration file.
  • state directory - This will hold the realm's state information, including the key archive.
  • realm directory - This will hold  the realm's rollrec file, the keyrec files, the zone files (signed and unsigned), and the key files.

Preparing for Execution

In preparing a realms file and the realm hoards for buildrealms, there are several things that should be kept in mind.


root is not allowed to run buildrealms.  Some of the actions taken by buildrealms can be devastating if a misconfigured (or maliciously constructed) realm file is used to control construction.

buildrealms is not clairvoyant.  It does the best it can, but it is a general tool.  The resulting realms should be checked to ensure they are set up as desired.  In particular, you should check the realm file rollrec files, keyrec files, and configuration file.

No reverse functionality has been implemented, so once run, the files are modified, moved, and copied.  It might not be a bad idea to back up your files prior to running buildrealms, just in case...



The create command builds the whole realms environment.  buildrealms takes the following actions when given this command:


The trees command builds the basic directory hierarchy for each realm. The following directories are created for each realm:



Display the file actions taken by buildrealms.  This includes directory creations, file copies, and file moves.  If used in conjunction with the -nobuild option, buildrealms will not perform the actions, but will display the actions that would otherwise have been taken.


This flag indicates that buildrealms should delete the current staging area and its contents prior to building the realms.

-config conffile

conffile is the DNSSEC-Tools configuration file to copy for each realm.

-directory target

target is the target directory for the realms to be built by buildrealms.  The new realms will not be moved to this directory, but the realms' files will reflect the use of this directory.  If this option is not specified, the current directory will be used.

If -directory and -stagedir use the same directory, then the realms environment will be build in the final directory.


This option tells buildrealms to go through the motions of building the new realms, but not to actually build anything.  If this is used in conjunctions with the -actions option, buildrealms will show the actions that would have been taken.

-stagedir directory

This directory in which the new realms hierarchy is built.  The default staging area is ./staging-buildrealms if this option is not specified.

If -directory and -stagedir use the same directory, then the realms environment will be build in the final directory.


buildrealms is prevented from printing any non-error output. This option and the -verbose option are mutually exclusive.


buildrealms prints a lot of information about what it is doing. This option and the -quiet option are mutually exclusive.


Displays the version number.


Displays a help message.


The following examples may help clarify the use of buildrealms.  In each example, the following realms file will be used.

    realm "example"
        state           "active"
        configdir       "configs/example"
        statedir        "states/example"
        realmdir        "r-example"
        rollrec         "demo-example.rollrec"
        administrator   ""
        display         "1"
        manager         "rollerd"
        args            "-loglevel phase -logfile log.example"
        hoard           "r-example"

    realm "test"
        state           "active"
        realmdir        "r-test"
        configdir       "configs/test"
        statedir        "states/test"
        rollrec         "demo-test.rollrec"
        manager         "rollerd"
        args            "-loglevel tmi -logfile log.test"
        display         "1"
        hoard           "r-test"

Create Example

Each realm record contains a hoard field that buildrealms will use to find that realm's files.  After running buildrealms demo.realm create with the realms file above, the following directories will be created:




The following files will be moved into the staging area.  In the interests of brevity this is only a subset of files moved to the staging area; most of the key files have not been included:





Trees Example

After running buildrealms demo.realm trees with the realms file above, the following directories will be created:




No additional files or directories are created by this command.


Wayne Morrison,

See Also

dtrealms(8), realminit(8), realmset(8)

keyrec(5), realm(5), rollrec(5)


2024-06-10 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation