buildah-pull - Man Page

Pull an image from a registry.


buildah pull [options] image


Pulls an image based upon the specified input. It supports all transports from containers-transports(5) (see examples below). If no transport is specified, the input is subject to short-name resolution (see containers-registries.conf(5)) and the docker (i.e., container registry) transport is used.


Buildah resolves the path to the registry to pull from by using the /etc/containers/registries.conf file, containers-registries.conf(5).  If the buildah pull command fails with an "image not known" error, first verify that the registries.conf file is installed and configured appropriately.

Return Value

The image ID of the image that was pulled.  On error 1 is returned.


--all-tags,  -a
All tagged images in the repository will be pulled.
Set the ARCH of the image to be pulled to the provided value instead of using the architecture of the host. (Examples: arm, arm64, 386, amd64, ppc64le, s390x)
--authfile path
Path of the authentication file. Default is ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/containers/auth.json. See containers-auth.json(5) for more information. This file is created using buildah login.

If the authorization state is not found there, $HOME/.docker/config.json is checked, which is set using docker login.

Note: You can also override the default path of the authentication file by setting the REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE environment variable. export REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE=path

--cert-dir path
Use certificates at path (*.crt, *.cert, *.key) to connect to the registry. The default certificates directory is /etc/containers/certs.d.
--creds creds
The [username[:password]] to use to authenticate with the registry if required. If one or both values are not supplied, a command line prompt will appear and the value can be entered.  The password is entered without echo.
--decryption-key key[:passphrase]
The [key[:passphrase]] to be used for decryption of images. Key can point to keys and/or certificates. Decryption will be tried with all keys. If the key is protected by a passphrase, it is required to be passed in the argument and omitted otherwise.
Set the OS of the image to be pulled instead of using the current operating system of the host.
Set the OS/ARCH of the image to be pulled to the provided value instead of using the current operating system and architecture of the host (for example linux/arm).

OS/ARCH pairs are those used by the Go Programming Language.  In several cases the ARCH value for a platform differs from one produced by other tools such as the arch command.  Valid OS and architecture name combinations are listed as values for $GOOS and $GOARCH at, and can also be found by running go tool dist list.

NOTE: The --platform option may not be used in combination with the --arch, --os, or --variant options.

Pull image policy. The default is missing.
--quiet,  -q
If an image needs to be pulled from the registry, suppress progress output.
Don't copy signatures when pulling images.
--retry attempts
Number of times to retry in case of failure when performing pull of images from registry.

Defaults to 3.

--retry-delay duration
Duration of delay between retry attempts in case of failure when performing pull of images from registry.

Defaults to 2s.

--tls-verify bool-value
Require HTTPS and verification of certificates when talking to container registries (defaults to true).  TLS verification cannot be used when talking to an insecure registry.
Set the architecture variant of the image to be pulled.


buildah pull imagename

buildah pull docker://

buildah pull docker-daemon:imagename:imagetag

buildah pull docker-archive:filename

buildah pull oci-archive:filename

buildah pull dir:directoryname

buildah pull --tls-verify=false myregistry/myrepository/imagename:imagetag

buildah pull --creds=myusername:mypassword --cert-dir ~/auth myregistry/myrepository/imagename:imagetag

buildah pull --authfile=/tmp/auths/myauths.json myregistry/myrepository/imagename:imagetag

buildah pull --arch=aarch64 myregistry/myrepository/imagename:imagetag

buildah pull --arch=arm --variant=v7 myregistry/myrepository/imagename:imagetag



BUILD_REGISTRY_SOURCES, if set, is treated as a JSON object which contains lists of registry names under the keys insecureRegistries, blockedRegistries, and allowedRegistries.

When pulling an image from a registry, if the name of the registry matches any of the items in the blockedRegistries list, the image pull attempt is denied. If there are registries in the allowedRegistries list, and the registry's name is not in the list, the pull attempt is denied.

TMPDIR The TMPDIR environment variable allows the user to specify where temporary files are stored while pulling and pushing images.  Defaults to '/var/tmp'.


registries.conf (/etc/containers/registries.conf)

registries.conf is the configuration file which specifies which container registries should be consulted when completing image names which do not include a registry or domain portion.

policy.json (/etc/containers/policy.json)

Signature policy file.  This defines the trust policy for container images.  Controls which container registries can be used for image, and whether or not the tool should trust the images.

See Also

buildah(1), buildah-from(1), buildah-login(1), docker-login(1), containers-policy.json(5), containers-registries.conf(5), containers-transports(5), containers-auth.json(5)

Referenced By

buildah(1), buildah-from(1).

July 2018 buildah