bsub - Man Page
submit a batch job in a familiar OpenLava format
[-cwd Working Directory Path]
[-e Error Path]
[-I Interactive Mode]
[-m Node List]
[-M Memory Limit]
[-n Min Process]
[-o Output Path]
[-q Queue Name]
[-W Time]
[-x Exclusive]
The bsub submits batch jobs. It is aimed to be feature-compatible with OpenLavas' bsub.
- -cwd Working Directory Path
Specify the working directory path for the job.
- -e Error Path
Specify a new path to receive the standard error output for the job.
- -I
Interactive execution.
- -J Job Name
Name if the job to be submitted.
- -m Host List
Space separated list of hosts that this job will run on.
- -M Memory Limit
Memory limit of the job.
- -n Min Processes
Minimum number of processes for the job.
- -o out_path
Specify the path to a file to hold the standard output from the job.
- -q Queue
The partition that this job will run on.
- -W Time
Run time of the job.
- -x Exclusive
Run this job in exclusive mode. Job will not share nodes with other jobs.
- -? | --help
brief help message
- --man
full documentation