boltctl - Man Page
control the thunderbolt device manager
Examples (TL;DR)
- List connected (and authorized) devices:
- List connected devices, including unauthorized ones:
boltctl list
- Authorize a device temporarily:
boltctl authorize device_uuid
- Authorize and remember a device:
boltctl enroll device_uuid
- Revoke a previously authorized device:
boltctl forget device_uuid
- Show more information about a device:
boltctl info device_uuid
boltctl authorize DEVICE boltctl config boltctl domains boltctl enroll DEVICE boltctl forget DEVICE boltctl info DEVICE boltctl list boltctl monitor boltctl power
boltctl is the command line interface to interact with boltd, the system daemon that manages Thunderbolt 3(TM) devices. It can be used to query the state of devices as well as manage them.
Devices can be globally identified via their unique identifier (uuid). All commands that take a DEVICE identifier expect this unique id.
If no command is given, it is equivalent to boltctl list.
- --version
Print version information and exit.
- -U | --uuid {full | short | alias | N}
Control how UUIDs are printed. Since they are somewhat sensitive data it is not advisable to share them publicly in full length. Instead short or alias can and should be used when sharing the output of boltctl.
- full
Print all UUIDs in full length.
- short
Truncate all UUIDs so only the first 13 characters are printed.
- alias
All UUIDs are replaced by a random string that is derived from the UUID, therefore the devices can be uniquely identified without revealing the original UUID.
- N
If a integer N is specified, all UUIDs are truncated to only show up to N.
config --describe [global|domain|device]
List global, domain, or all (if nothing is specified) properties. The format is 3 columns: permission, name, description. Permission indicates if the property is only readable or can also be written.
config KEY [VALUE]
Get or set, if VALUE is specified, a global property.
config <domain|device>.KEY TARGET [VALUE]
Get or set, if VALUE is specified, a domain or device property, where TARGET is the unique id of the domain or the device.
domains [-v | --verbose]
List all currently active Thunderbolt domains. A Thunderbolt domain represents the Thunderbolt controller hardware. There will be one domain (and host device) for each Thunderbolt controller present in the system. The security property shows the security level of the controller. If iommu support is active (see the boltd man page) it will be indicated by a +iommu suffix for "secure" or "user" mode, or just plain iommu in case the security level is "none" (sl0). bootacl shows the used and total slots of the boot access control list (BootACL) and the content of all non-empty entries. NB: if BootACL is unsupported it will show 0 for both (0/0). The online property shows if the thunderbolt controller is currently powered by the firmware. NB: if the controller is currently offline the BootACL list will reflect what boltd estimates the list will look like once the controller is back online and local changes have been synchronized to the controller. This might not be accurate if the list was modified in the meantime, e.g. from a different installation or OS.
enroll [--policy policy] DEVICE
Authorize and record the device with the unique id DEVICE in the database. If the domain supports secure connection a new key will be generated and stored in the database alongside the device name and vendor name. The key, if created, will be used in the future to securely authorize the device.
- --policy {default | auto | manual}
Specify the policy to be used for the newly enrolled device.
- default
Use the global default policy of the daemon; this can be changed, but is normally also auto.
- auto
Automatically authorize this device whenever it is connected.
- manual
Do not automatically authorize the device; instead require manual authorization via boltctl authorize.
forget DEVICE
Remove the information about the device with the unique id DEVICE from the database. This includes the key, if one was previously generated. If you pass --all instead of the DEVICE all devices are removed instead of just one.
Display information about the device with the unique id DEVICE.
list [-a | --all]
List and print information about all connected and stored devices.
- -a | --all
Normally, the only the device type that will be shown is peripherals. Therefore the device that represents the host itself will be omitted. Using this option will instead include all device types in the list.
Listen for and show changes in connected devices.
power [-t | --timeout seconds] [-q | --query]
Power up the Thunderbolt controller. If the Thunderbolt controller is not in "native enumeration mode" it can be completely powered down by the host firmware/BIOS. On supported systems there is an interface to "force" power the thunderbolt controller. If supported this command will request the daemon to do so. The daemon will keep track of all client requests and will release the force power override when the last request is released.
- -t | --timeout seconds
Release the force power request after the specified amount of seconds and exit.
- -q | --query
Query the current force power status of the daemon.
Written by Christian Kellner <>.