bibutils - Man Page

bibliography conversion utilities


format2xml [OPTIONS] [file.format]

xml2format [OPTIONS] [file.xml]


The bibutils program set inter-converts between various bibliography formats using Library of Congress[1]'s Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)[2]version 3.1. For example, one can convert RIS-format files to Bibtex by doing two transformations: RIS->MODS->Bibtex.

Converting to Mods


bib2xmlconvert bibtex to MODS
biblatex2xmlconvert biblatex to MODS
copac2xmlconvert COPAC[3]format references to MODS
ebi2xmlconvert EBI XML to MODS
end2xmlconvert EndNote (Refer format) to MODS
endx2xmlconvert EndNote XML to MODS
isi2xmlconvert ISI web of science to MODS
med2xmlconvert Pubmed XML references to MODS
nbib2xmlconvert Pubmed nbib format references to MODS
modscleana MODS to MODS converter
ris2xmlconvert RIS format to MODS
wordbib2xmlconvert Word2007 bibliography XML to MODS

Common Options Converting to MODS

Several flags available for the end2xml, endx2xml, bib2xml, ris2xml, med2xml, and copac2xml programs. Most options have both a short and a long version.

-h--helpdisplay help
-v--versiondisplay version
-a--add-refcountadd "_#", where # is reference count to reference id
-s--single-refperfileput one reference per file name by the reference number
-i--input-encodinginterpret the input file as using the requested character set (use w/o argument for current list derived from character sets at[4]) unicode is now a character set option
-u--unicode-charactersencode unicode characters directly in the file rather than as XML entities
-un--unicode-no-bomas -u, but don't include a byte order mark
-x--xml-entitiesencode unicode characters as XML entities (opposite of -u)
-nl--no-latexdo not convert latex-style character combinations
-s--single-refperfileone reference per output file
-d--drop-keydon't put citation key in the mods id field
-c--corporation-filewith argument specifying a file containing a list of corporation names to be placed in <name type="corporate"></name> instead of type="personal" and eliminate name mangling
-a--asiswith argument specifying a file containing a list of names to be treated verbatim
-nt--nosplit-titledon't split titles into TITLE/SUBTITLE pairs
--verboseverbose output
--debugvery verbose output (mostly for debugging)


bib2xml converts a bibtex-formatted reference file to an XML-intermediate bibliography file. Specify file(s) to be converted on the command line. Files containing bibtex substitutions strings should be specified before the files where substitutions are specified (or in the same file before their use). If no files are specified, then bibtex information will be read from standard input.

bib2xml bibtex_file.bib > output_file.xml


biblatex2xml converts a biblatex (not to be confused with bibtex) formatted reference file to an MODS XML-intermediate bibliography file.

biblatex2xml biblatex_file.bib > outputfile.xml


copac2xmlconverts a COPAC formatted reference file to a MODS XML-intermediate bibliography file.


end2xml converts a text endnote-formatted reference file to an XML-intermediate bibliography file. This program will not work on the binary library; the file needs to be exported first. Endnote tagged formats ("Refer" format export) look like Example 1, “Example refer format file”. There are very nice instructions for making sure that you are properly exporting this at[5]

Usage for end2xml is the same as bib2xml.

end2xml endnote_file.end > output_file.xml


ebi2xml converts a EBI XML file to a MODS XML-intermediate bibliography file.


endx2xml converts a EndNote-XML exported reference file to a MODS XML-intermediate bibliography file. This program will not work on the binary library; the file needs to be exported first.


isi2xml converts an ISI-web-of-science-formatted reference file to an XML-intermediate bibliography file.

Usage for isi2xml is the same as bib2xml.

isi2xml input_file.isi > output_file.xml


ris2xml converts a RIS-formatted reference file to an XML-intermediate bibliography file. ris2xml usage is as end2xml and bib2xml

ris2xml ris_file.ris >	output_file.xml


wordbib2xml convert a Word2007-formatted reference file to an XML-intermediate bibliogrpahy file.

Converting from Mods


xml2adsconvert MODS into the SAO/NASA ADS format
xml2bibconvert MODS into bibtex
xml2endconvert MODS into format for EndNote
xml2isiconvert MODS to ISI format
xml2risconvert MODS into RIS format
xml2wordbibconvert MODS into Word 2007 bibliography format

Common Options Converting from MODS

Note that --output-encoding refers to the input file

-h--helpdisplay help
-v--versiondisplay version
-o--output-encodinginterpret the input file as using the requested character set (use w/o argument for current list derived from character sets at[4]) unicode is now a character set option
-s--single-refperfileput one reference per file name by the reference number
-nb--no-bomdo not write Byte Order Mark if writing UTF8


xml2bib converts the MODS XML bibliography into a bibtex-formatted reference file. xml2bib usage is as for other tools

xml2bib xml_file.xml > output_file.bib

Since the BibTeX reference format is fairly flexible and seems to have the greatest number of personal preferences, it has also accumulated a number of specific options that are not available for other formats.

Starting with 3.24, xml2bib output uses lowercase tags and mixed case reference types for better interaction with other software. The older behavior with all uppercase tags/reference types can still be generated using the command-line switch -U/--uppercase.

xml2bib-specific Options:

-fc--finalcommaadd final comma in the bibtex output for those that want it
-sd--singledashuse one dash instead of two (longer dash in latex) between numbers in page output
-b--bracketsuse brackets instead of quotation marks around field data
-w--whitespaceadd beautifying whitespace to output
-U--uppercaseuse all uppercase for tags (field names) and reference types (pre-3.24 behavior)
-sk--strictkeyonly use alphanumeric characters for bibtex citation keys


xml2ads converts the MODS XML bibliography to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Astrophyics Data System or ADS reference format[6] (which is very similar to the tagged Endnote style). xml2ads usage is as for other tools

xml2ads xml_file.xml >


xml2ris converts the MODS XML bibliography to RIS-formatted bibliography file. xml2ris usage is as for other tools

xml2ris xml_file.xml > output_file.ris


xml2end converts the MODS XML bibliography to tagged Endnote (refer-format) bibliography file. xml2end usage is as for other tools

xml2end xml_file.xml >  output_file.end


xml2wordbib converts the MODS XML bibliography to Word 2007-formatted XML bibliography file. xml2wordbib usage is as for other tools

xml2wordbib xml_file.xml >  output_file.word.xml

xml2wordbib was called xml2word in versions of bibutils prior to 3.40. It was renamed to avoid confusion with other tools. Hopefully this will not break too many scripts already in use.


Example 1. Example refer format file

%0 Journal Article 
%A C. D. Putnam
%A C. S. Pikaard 
%D 1992 
%T Cooperative binding of the Xenopus RNA polymerase I 
   transcription factor xUBF to repetitive ribosomal gene enhancers 
%J Mol Cell Biol 
%V 12 
%P 4970-4980 
%F Putnam1992

xml2bib Output Variations

Example 2. Default

	      author="C. D. Putnam
	      and C. S. Pikaard",
	      title="Cooperative binding of the 
	      Xenopus RNA polymerase I transcription 
	      factor xUBF to repetitive ribosomal 
	      gene enhancers",
	      journal="Mol Cell Biol",

Example 3. Final Comma

	      author="C. D. Putnam
	      and C. S. Pikaard",
	      title="Cooperative binding of the 
	      Xenopus RNA polymerase I transcription 
	      factor xUBF to repetitive ribosomal 
	      gene enhancers",
	      journal="Mol Cell Biol",

Example 4. Single Dash

	      author="C. D. Putnam
	      and C. S. Pikaard",
	      title="Cooperative binding of the 
	      Xenopus RNA polymerase I transcription 
	      factor xUBF to repetitive ribosomal 
	      gene enhancers",
	      journal="Mol Cell Biol",

Example 5. Whitespace

  author =      "C. D. Putnam
                and C. S. Pikaard",
  year =        "1992",
  month =       "Jan",
  title =       "Cooperative binding of 
the Xenopus RNA polymerase I transcription 
factor xUBF to repetitive ribosomal gene 
  journal =     "Mol Cell Biol",
  volume =      "12",
  pages =       "4970--4980"

Example 6. Brackets

	    author={Putnam, C. D.
	    and Pikaard, C. S.},
	    title={Cooperative binding of the Xenopus 
	    RNA polymerase I transcription factor xUBF 
	    to repetitive ribosomal gene enhancers},
	    journal={Mol Cell Biol},

Example 7. Uppercase

	      AUTHOR="Putnam, C. D.
	      and Pikaard, C. S.",
	      TITLE="Cooperative binding of the Xenopus
	      RNA polymerase I transcription factor xUBF
	      to repetitive ribosomal gene enhancers",
	      JOURNAL="Mol Cell Biol",


All versions of bibutils are released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). In a nutshell, feel free to download, run, and modify these programs as required. If you re-release these, you need to release the modified version of the source. (And I'd appreciate patches as well...if you care enough to make the change, then I'd like to see what you're adding or fixing.)

Chris Putnam, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research[7]


  1. Library of Congress
  2. Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)
  3. COPAC
  6. ADS reference format
  7. Chris Putnam, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

Referenced By

The man pages bib2xml(1), bibdiff(1), biblatex2xml(1), copac2xml(1), ebi2xml(1), end2xml(1), endx2xml(1), isi2xml(1), med2xml(1), modsclean(1), nbib2xml(1), ris2xml(1), wordbib2xml(1), xml2ads(1), xml2bib(1), xml2biblatex(1), xml2end(1), xml2isi(1), xml2nbib(1), xml2ris(1) and xml2wordbib(1) are aliases of bibutils(1).

November 8, 2016 bibutils 7.2