bdep-update - Man Page

update project in build configurations


bdep update [options] [pkg-spec] [cfg-spec] [cfg-var...]

cfg-spec = (@cfg-name | --config|-c cfg-dir)... | --all|-a
pkg-spec = (--directory|-d pkg-dir)... | prj-spec
prj-spec = --directory|-d prj-dir


The update command updates the project packages in one or more build configurations. Additionally, immediate or all dependencies of the project packages can be updated by specifying the --immediate|-i or --recursive|-r options, respectively.

Underneath update executes the bpkg-pkg-update(1) command which itself is not much more than the build system update operation (see b(1) for details). As a result, the main utility of this command is the ability to refer to build configurations by names and to project packages implicitly via the current working directory as well as to update dependencies.

If no project or package directory is specified, then the current working directory is assumed. If no configuration is specified, then the default configurations are assumed. See bdep-projects-configs(1) for details on specifying projects and configurations. Optional cfg-var... are the additional configuration variables to pass to the build system.

Update Options


Also update immediate dependencies.


Also update all dependencies, recursively.


Use all build configurations.

--config|-c dir

Specify the build configuration as a directory.

--directory|-d dir

Assume project/package is in the specified directory rather than in the current working directory.

--config-name|-n name

Specify the build configuration as a name.

--config-id num

Specify the build configuration as an id.

Common Options

The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in bdep-common-options(1).


Print essential underlying commands being executed.


Print all underlying commands being executed.


Run quietly, only printing error messages.

--verbose level

Set the diagnostics verbosity to level between 0 and 6.

--stdout-format format

Representation format to use for printing to stdout.

--jobs|-j num

Number of jobs to perform in parallel.


Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Use color in diagnostics.


Don't use color in diagnostics.

--bpkg path

The package manager program to be used for build configuration management.

--bpkg-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the package manager program.

--build path

The build program to be used to build packages.

--build-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the build program.

--curl path

The curl program to be used for network operations.

--curl-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the curl program.

--pager path

The pager program to be used to show long text.

--pager-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the pager program.

--options-file file

Read additional options from file.

--default-options dir

The directory to load additional default options files from.


Don't load default options files.

Default Options Files

See bdep-default-options-files(1) for an overview of the default options files. For the update command the search start directory is the project directory. The following options files are searched for in each directory and, if found, loaded in the order listed:


The following update command options cannot be specified in the default options files:



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Referenced By


June 2024 bdep 0.17.0