barman-wal-archive - Man Page
Barman-cli Commands
barman-wal-archive [ { -h, --help } ] [ { -V, --version } ] [ { -U, --user } USER ] [ --port PORT ] [ { -c, --config } CONFIG ] [ { -t --test } ] [ --md5 ] BARMAN_HOST SERVER_NAME WAL_PATH
This script can be utilized in the archive_command of a Postgres server to transfer WAL files to a Barman host using the put-wal command (introduced in Barman 2.6). It establishes an SSH connection to the Barman host, enabling seamless integration of Barman within Postgres clusters for improved business continuity.
Exit Statuses are:
- 0 for SUCCESS.
- non-zero for FAILURE.
The server name configured in Barman for the Postgres server from which the WAL file is retrieved.
The host of the Barman server.
The value of the '%p' keyword (according to archive_command).
- -h / --help
Display a help message and exit.
- -V / --version
Display the program's version number and exit.
- -U / --user
Specify the user for the SSH connection to the Barman server (defaults to barman).
- --port
Define the port used for the SSH connection to the Barman server.
- -c / --config
Specify the configuration file on the Barman server.
- -t / --test
Test the connection and configuration of the specified Postgres server in Barman to ensure it is ready to receive WAL files. This option ignores the mandatory arguments WAL_NAME and WAL_DEST.
- --md5
Use MD5 instead of SHA256 as the hash algorithm to calculate the checksum of the WAL file when transmitting it to the Barman server. This is used to maintain compatibility with older server versions, as older versions of Barman server used to support only MD5.
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