barman-get-wal - Man Page
Barman Sub-Commands
get-wal [ -j ] [ -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ] [ -p VALUE ] [ { -P | --partial } ] [ { -t | --test } ] [ -z ] SERVER_NAME WAL_NAME
Retrieve a WAL file from the xlog archive of a specified server. By default, if the requested WAL file is found, it is returned as uncompressed content to STDOUT.
Name of the server in barman node
Id of the backup in barman catalog.
- -j / --bzip2
Output will be compressed using bzip2.
- -z / --gzip
Output will be compressed using gzip.
- --keep-compression
Do not uncompress the file content. The output will be the original compressed file.
- -o
Destination directory where barman will store the WAL file.
- -p
Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 1 to retrieve WAL files from the specified WAL file up to the value specified by this parameter. When using this option, get-wal returns a list of zero to the specified WAL segment names, with one name per row.
- -P / --partial
Additionally, collect partial WAL files (.partial).
- -t / --test
Test both the connection and configuration of the specified Postgres server in Barman for WAL retrieval. When this option is used, the required WAL_NAME argument is disregarded.
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