aubio - Man Page
a command line tool to extract information from sound files
aubio [-h] [-V] <command> ...
The general syntax is "aubio <command> <soundfile> [options]". The following commands are available:
- onset
get onset times
- pitch
extract fundamental frequency
- beat
get locations of beats
- tempo
get overall tempo in bpm
- notes
get midi-like notes
- mfcc
extract mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients
- melbands
extract mel-frequency energies per band
For a list of available commands, use "aubio -h". For more info about each command, use "aubio <command> --help".
General Options
These options can be used before any command has been specified.
- -h, ā--help
show help message and exit
- -V, ā--version
show version
Common Options
The following options can be used with all commands:
- <source_uri>, -i <source_uri>, --input <source_uri>
input sound file to analyse (required)
- -r <freq>, --samplerate <freq>
samplerate at which the file should be represented (default: 0, e.g. samplerate of the input sound)
- -H <size>, --hopsize <size>
overlap size, number of samples between two consecutive analysis (default: 256)
- -B <size>, --bufsize <size>
buffer size, number of samples used for each analysis, (e.g. FFT length, default: 512)
- -h, --help
show help message and exit
- -T format, --time-format format
select time values output format (samples, ms, seconds) (default: seconds)
- -v, --verbose
be verbose (increment verbosity by 1, default: 1)
- -q, --quiet
be quiet (set verbosity to 0)
The following additional options can be used with the "onset" subcommand.
- -m <method>, --method <method>
onset novelty function <default|energy|hfc|complex|phase|specdiff|kl|mkl|specflux> (default: default)
- -t <threshold>, --threshold <threshold>
threshold (default: unset)
- -s <value>, --silence <value>
silence threshold, in dB (default: -70)
- -M <value>, --minioi <value>
minimum Inter-Onset Interval (default: 12ms)
The following additional options can be used with the "pitch" subcommand.
- -m <method>, --method <method>
pitch detection method <default|yinfft|yin|mcomb|fcomb|schmitt> (default: default, e.g. yinfft)
- -t <threshold>, --threshold <threshold>
tolerance (default: unset)
- -s <value>, --silence <value>
silence threshold, in dB (default: -70)
The default buffer size for the beat algorithm is 2048. The default hop size is 256.
The "beat" command accepts all common options and no additional options.
The default buffer size for the beat algorithm is 1024. The default hop size is 512.
The "tempo" command accepts all common options and no additional options.
The default buffer size for the beat algorithm is 1024. The default hop size is 512.
The following additional options can be used with the "notes" subcommand.
- -s <value>, --silence <value>
silence threshold, in dB (default: -70)
- -d <value>, --release-drop <value>
release drop level, in dB. If the level drops more than this amount since the last note started, the note will be turned off (default: 10).
The "mfcc" command accepts all common options and no additional options.
The "melbands" command accepts all common options and no additional options.
Extract onsets using a minimum inter-onset interval of 30ms:
aubio onset /path/to/input_file -M 30ms
Extract pitch with method "mcomb" and a silence threshold of -90dB:
aubio pitch /path/to/input_file -m mcomb -s -90.0
Extract MFCC using the standard Slaney implementation:
aubio mfcc /path/to/input_file -r 44100
See Also
This manual page was written by Paul Brossier <>. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.