afcclient - Man Page
Interact with AFC/HouseArrest service on a connected device.
afcclient [Options] [COMMAND ...]
Utility to interact with AFC/HouseArrest service. This allows access to parts of the filesystem on an iOS device.
afcclient can be used interactively with a command prompt, or run a single command and exit.
- devinfo
print device information
- info PATH
print file attributes of file at PATH
- ls PATH
print directory contents of PATH
- mv OLD NEW
rename file OLD to NEW
- mkdir PATH
create directory at PATH
- ln [-s] FILE [LINK]
Create a (symbolic) link to file named LINKNAME. NOTE: This feature has been disabled in newer versions of iOS.
- rm [-rf] PATH
remove item at PATH
- get [-rf] PATH [LOCALPATH]
transfer file at PATH from device to LOCALPATH, or current directory if omitted. If LOCALPATH is a directory, the file will be stored inside the directory.
- put [-rf] LOCALPATH [PATH]
transfer local file at LOCALPATH to device at PATH, or current directory if omitted. If PATH is a directory, the file will be stored inside the directory.
- -u, --udid UDID
target specific device by UDID
- -n, --network
connect to network device (not recommended, since the connection might be terminated at any time)
- --container <appid>
Access the app container directory of the app with given appid
- --documents <appid>
Access the Documents directory of the app with given appid
- -h, --help
Prints usage information
- -d, --debug
Enable communication debugging
- -v, --version
Prints version information
Nikias Bassen